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So a year ago I was on my way to goal weight. I felt amazing and thought I looked pretty darn amazing too. Started P90 and was getting into even better shape. I had goals and I was well on my way towards them. 

Then the curveball. You're pregnant. With your first girl. You have tremendous hip pain and heartburn and really the only thing that doesn't hurt is sitting on your ass in a recliner with your lower back supported. 

All told, I gained 40 pounds with baby girl. 40 pounds totally worth it, because baby girl is pretty much adorably perfect and I wouldn't trade her for the world (yes, I'm a bit smitten). Before thanksgiving I had dropped 20 of those 40 pounds and I was feeling pretty good. I could get into my jeans, not comfortably but they did button! I wasn't happy with the baby pooch but hey it's been 6 weeks and damnit I earned it and now I'm going to get rid of it. 

Then thanksgiving struck. Dammit thanksgiving and your 6 pounds. I have to admit though - they were a delicious 6 pounds. So here I am at 238 pounds. And totally motivated tinged my ads back in gear and working towards the body I want. 

We have a cruise in April. Belated 10 year anniversary cruise and I will be sporting a cute new bikini. So bring on boot camp. I'm ready. 

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