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Blast From the Past - A Seussian First Birthday

Small Fry's 6th birthday was this past weekend, and we celebrated it by taking a camping trip. It was cold and rainy, but a good time was had by all, eventually.

 I figure what better time to bring back one of the most popular posts from Straight Stitches. For his first birthday, we threw him a Dr. Seuss party! So here are the highlights from that post 5 years ago.

The view from our front door. We have some trees from the Lorax. I made the pom-poms from Martha's site, but I alternated colors of  tissue paper since I did not have enough of any one color.

Here's the mantle! We didn't do a whole lot in the family room, because that's where the kids were all going to play. 

Walking into the kitchen, we had one more tree.

The hats did get put around each setting, eventually.

Here's the banner that Dev and I made early one morning two weeks ago. He was so proud of it.

The food is waiting to be served. I wish we had a picture of the island with all the food on it.

I had a little too much fun with the crepe paper. I don't have a picture of it, but the dining room's chandelier was also done up with crepe paper.

I found all of the gift bags stuff in the $1 at Target a few months back. They turned out so cute!

Here are the cakes. Husband made the Hat cake, which Harrison was oh so excited for when we pulled it out. The 'clover' cake balls proved to be a bit of a pain, but ended up tasting good regardless.

An appropriate movie for the theme.

Here is the center-piece over the island was a lot of fun to do. Even if I did have the hubs take the pictures while I was writing this post.

Here are my guys, waiting for the guests to arrive. Hopefully I can get the other pictures to share with you guys. In the meantime....Here's a guy that knows this cake is for him!

Such a handsome pair!

The hat last about 1 second after this picture was taken and H started using it as a spear. Oh on the day of the party, he learned to stand up from a sitting position without using anything for support, and his walking skills have improved so much over the weekend!

Dev was the hat-patrol during the party. He was the only kid to wear his hat and he gave hats to all of the adults and he made sure that they wore them the whole party.

I hope you guys enjoyed the trip down memory lane. It's funny to look back at these old pictures and not only see the changes in the kids, but also in the house.

I'll see you guys later in the week, to show off what I've been learning in my class. See you guys later!

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