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A Pair of Sox

Like I promised yesterday, here's Dev-O!
If only this shirt were true, because {and he's going to hate that I'm sharing this when he's older} his feet sweat. You guys wanted to know this didn't you? Truly, I feel sorry for his future significant other. Ugh. He's only 5 and I'm already saying this. He may need to start washing his own socks - next year. :)

Here's the boy rockin' his Daddy's colors proudly - of course I haven't told him that his Super Mario Bros. shirts are clean either. :)
I have to tell you guys though - doing that outline work is a PITA. A big one. I mean like crick-in-the-neck pain. At least it totally makes the shirt.
Tomorrow is Steve's shirt. I borrowed a saying for his, but the little guys are totally me. Like this house original. Hmm...I may trademark that. This House Original. I could rock that. Don't you think?

Alright, I've rambled enough. I hope you guys liked Dev's shirt, and I'll be back tomorrow with the big guy's shirt. :)

BTW....I can't wait to show off mine. :) I mean like I really can't wait.

Have a great day guys!


  1. Love my boy and love this shirt.

  2. You should try and sell this shirt. Do something similar in Cafe Press? That way you don't have to worry about the neck cricks!

  3. Love the shirt! I have a little boy and I need to start learning how to make things for him. Hey if your interested I am hosting a giveaway and would love it if you would stop by!

    take care.
