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Minnie Mouse...

So I'm sick. That was a terrific Mother's Day gift, but my wonderful guys let me take a 4 hour nap and that helped a lot.

You know what doesn't help? Sounding like Minnie Mouse. No one takes you seriously when you sound like Minnie Mouse.

It's worse that when you try to get loud, or god forbid - yell. There's no sound, and the sound that does escape are squeaks.

Your 5-year-old will tell you that we don't whine. Whining is not allowed, Mommy.

When you tell him that you're not whining that you're just talking, he will laugh at you. Loudly. And in your face.

You may frown, and the uppity brat will come over and give you hugs, all the while still laughing at your expense. You will eventually join him, because - let's face it - you do sound ridiculous.

So enough about my hoarseness, lets get on with what I've been doing!

There are some new additions to the shop! I still have a couple take photographs of, but for right now here are the two that are good to go!
 What do you guys think? I almost don't want to sell them. They're so very sweet and precious, but they don't match a thing in my house.
 Can't you just see them resting in a lovely parlor? Or a sun room? How about a little girl's room, or a sweet garden nursery? Here are the links: Hydrangea & Rose

Oh the possibilities.

And in other news -

I have sponsor spots open! It's $4 a month, or if you want, and because you love this little 'ole blog of mine so much you can do 3 months for the low, low price of $10. :)

Alright guys - I've got some hot cocoa calling my name. :) I'll chat with ya later


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