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Checking in ...

So it's been a while. I'm down to 230. Yay. Almost to the 220's!!!

Exercise has been infrequent at best but I've been super good about staying on my diet.

Let me tell you about my guilty pleasure from last night. You see the fam and I had some errands to run and while running said errands we ran into some people that we used to be friends with. The friendship did not end well.

Anyways the last time I saw these friends was last year and about 63 pounds ago.

I'm not going to lie and tell you guys that I wasn't more than a little pleased to have run into them again looking the way I do now. Especially since they have changed since the last time I saw them. I'm going to revel in my shallowness and be content in the fact that even tho I'm tickled pink that they saw me and saw how good everyone on the fam is looking and doing; I'm more happy that I embarked on this journey for the right reasons. Me.

So there's my thought snippet for the day.

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