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Thinking Ahead........

4/30/2013 0 Comments
Yay for being in the 2nd trimester. FINALLY.

I'm feeling more and more human, even if my sinuses are now bombarding me. Yay for Virginia! Stupid pollen state. Its so bad this year, that even the boys are asking for help blowing their noses. That's not only shocking, but scary as to the crisis their noses must be in. I, for one, am tired of washing shirts that from shoulder to hem have snot streaks down them.

I am not going to talk about snot streaks or sinuses today though. I'm starting to plan. We will be finding out the flavor of fetus in a few weeks, and with this impending news I've been thinking. About nurseries.

Now I'm not pulling for one flavor over the other. I want healthy. A girl would be a new challenge, but a boy, well a boy would be old hat, and I found the absolute perfect inspiration board and room for our guy, if he is a guy.
So some back story about why I love this so much. My dad is a rocket engineer, and one of his rockets just had a successful test flight out of Wallops Island. Yay! My boys love space. Dev is fascinated by the solar system and wants to be a meteorologist (who knows what they want to be in kindergarten?). Harrison has decided he just wants to go to space. That will probably change but he said it, so I'm going with it. Steve also likes it, but I secretly think its because he's hoping to sneak in some Star Wars stuff. :)

Visiting LemonDropLife also led me to LayBabyLay, a site I'd never heard of but am totally in love with now!

So here are the inspiration boards I like from LayBabyLay!

This is the same board that LemonDropLife used for her nursery. There are so many things I love here, but mostly I love the happy pop of yellow!

So for a girl, there are a couple of options. I want butterflies. I know. Its been done. A lot, but I like them and all their fluttery glory, but I also like glam, vintage, sparkly and shiny. All those things can go together right?

I love how happy this room is! I also love all the PINK!!!! If you guys remember the rest of my house, there's also a fair amount of orange in it, so obv I love orange too. I don't know that Steve is on board with this, but we're just brainstorming here.

Ok I'm not at all in love with the bunny theme here, but the bunny can get replaced with butterflies. I like the pops of color against a neutral, and seriously.....that dresser is amazing. Love that dresser, and guess who has 3, maybe 4 dressers hanging around her garage and house that are waiting for some love. Steve is so happy about that circumstance. :-/

So there are some of the ideas we're batting around right now. Like I said there are others, but there is a small child asking for hot chocolate and he's probably waited for me long enough to finish up this post. :)




4/11/2013 0 Comments
So my last post shared that I'm now preggo. You know what the problem with that is? I'm competitive. With myself.

I think the problem is starting to become clearer. 6 weeks ago I was in the best shape of my life and headed for even better fitness and well being. I was able to consistently meet PRs and goals.

Fast forward to now. I'm almost 12 weeks pregnant and showing. My back has started hurting along with my round ligament and I just don't have the stamina I did. I get tired super easily and overheated. The internal body temp thing is completely whacked out and it's playing havoc with everything.

I need to keep reminding myself that I'm not at the level I was. I'm on a new level. A pregnant level and dammit anything I do exercise-wise is awesome and rocks. Even if it means a 16 minute mile (ack!)

So here I am, after my workout, sitting in the lounge area of the gym waiting for my mom to finish her class so I can scarf down whatever deliciousness the hubs has made because the 45 minute workout I just did has made me ravenous and I will not allow myself to go to 5 guys again and gobble up a little bacon cheeseburger like I did after Zumba. Even tho it was heavenly and delicious.

Ok so there's my check in. Oh and does anyone know why after an hour in the sun today my back looks like a freaking lobster? Cause a sunburn is just what I needed. :-/



4/08/2013 1 Comments
So ya know, I had a plan.

I had a good plan. It was going to rock, because I was finally going to be not overweight or obese anymore. I was going to rock a bikini for the first time, since oh the hubs and I were dating.

It was going to be marvelous.

Then bammo! I'm talking to Mom and we start talking about monthly cycles and I start thinking.......Hmmmm, shouldn't mine have been here by now? Am I late? Crap, I hope I'm not late. Great now I have to run to the store. C R A P

So after this happened.
Which, coincidentally, is how I told my sister and the hubs. First words - Oh crap.

You see we weren't trying. Really was kind of rounding the "we're done with children" corner. Its never been easy for us to get pregnant. Its always taken work and then a lot of praying. This is my 6th pregnancy. Its my first pregnancy that's had a heartbeat without following a miscarriage. Its weird and took a bit of getting used to the fact that we're having another baby. We'd started donating all of our baby stuff. Like I said, we were rounding the corner.

So now all of my plans have changed. Obv I'm not dieting anymore, and I'm totally not eating as healthy as before, it is not my fault that Taco Bell makes me feel better, blame the baby. I'm also eating more, but luckily (?) the morning sickness was so bad that I did end up losing weight the first several weeks anyways. I've gained all of it back and then a pound or two, but I'm also trying to get back into my exercising.

Now that I'm feeling better again, its time to get this butt in gear and try and keep up exercising so I don't end up back where I was after small fry was born. Granted, I'm starting this pregnancy MUCH lighter than either of my other two pregnancies that went to term, but even still.....I am hoping not to have another heavy-weight baby like Devlin either. I gained a total of 17 pounds with Devlin, who was then slightly over 10 pounds, so really ending up only 7 pounds heavier than when I started was not bad. With Harrison it was better? I gained 6 pounds with him, and he ended up weighing 7 pounds, so right off the bat I was down a pound.

Not that I'm advocating anything here, but I'm going to be honest that I dislike being pregnant. From the fatigue, to the morning sickness and then a host of other fun things that all my mom-friends will commiserate with me on being pregnant sucks. There are cool parts. Feeling the baby move (at first, then it just becomes annoying), freaking out your husband or other children when the baby decides to roll over and them going WTH? Shopping for new baby is fun and nesting is fun, at least for me, but these first few months...No, thank you.

Oh here's a fun part about show sooner. Joy. At least I can wear some of my fat clothes again and be completely comfortable while I chow down on my Taco Bell. Of course, I donated most of those clothes too. More shopping.

Well that's my post for today. Tomorrow I hit the gym again. I plan on going to the gym 3 days this week. I don't know what my plan is, but I imagine there'll be some jogging/walking on the treadmill and maybe I'll hit the weights. Don't know, but I'm going and that's half the battle.

See you guys later!

Well that was unintended......

4/08/2013 0 Comments
So its been a bit over a month since anything has been posted. Oooops.

Life has a way of getting in the way, or ya know, putting up a huge cinder block road block that says, "HEY! Pay attention to me!"

Well guess what life threw into our way?
Yep, that's a blueberry. Or a frog, depending on who you ask.  :) Our new bundle is going to arrive sometime in October, which is also why absolutely squat has gotten done for the last several weeks. Yay for morning sickness. And fatigue! Can't forget that one.

Thankfully the first trimester is almost over and I'm starting to feel a smidgen better. We find out next month what flavor the berry is which should be interesting as everyone, absolutely everyone, is rooting for team pink.

What does this mean for the changes we just made to the boys' room? Well, unfortunately they're going to have to lose their playroom, but luckily the walk-in closet in their room is a reading nook right now, so after some toy editing there should be plenty of room for them and their toys. :)

Ok so that's my update, and hopefully I'll be sharing some more projects here soon, once I get them done. :)
