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What to Eat Wednesday - If I Attended Hogwarts...

Or Ilvermorny for that matter. ;p Bonus points if you've been keeping up with your HP lore and know what that is.  So what's one of the most famous edibles to come out of the Harry Potter universe?


 Correct!  Butterbeer!

10 points to Hufflepuff!  Let's be honest; you know the Hufflepuffs are cooking for one another all day.

 And what is the latest Starbucks promotional drink?  Excellent!  15 points to Ravenclaw!

That would be the so-called smoked butterscotch latte and frappucino.

Final question...through what date was that promotion supposed to run?  That's right!  March 21st.  15 more points to Hufflepuff house!

According to the Internet, which never lies and is my font of fandom-y entertainment, the smoked butterscotch drink is supposed to be a real life version of butterbeer.  So exciting for an ardent fan like me!

Are you hearing me, Starbucks?  March 21st.  What's today?  It's not even Saint Patrick's Day, and you're out!  I have been robbed!  Deprived of a new yummy!  You're so cruel, Starbucks!!!
Perhaps now would be a good time to mention my tempestuous, on-again off-again relationship with Starbucks.  We go through phases.  Sometimes we're happy and walking through Target together, enjoying one another's quiet company as we languidly peruse the aisles.  And then there are times where I'm yowling in my car like a vengeful Fury because YOU RAN OUT OF BUTTERSCOTCH BEFORE I COULD TRY IT!  Well, you know what Starbucks?  I don't need you!  I can make one myself!

And we're off again.

Right, so a little research showed me that making a butterscotch topping was really, stupidly easy...why-have-I-seriously-never-known-this-before easy.  The recipe I used as a guide is {HERE}.

Steps 1, 2, and 3.  It really does not get any easier than this.  Dump, stir, and let sit is pretty much the maximum talent level necessary here.

And voila!  Butterscotch syrup!

Now, of course there's the question of how to make this bubbling cauldron of bronze deliciousness into a latte.  That all depends on how you like your coffee.  I went with two tablespoons of syrup for my latte, which was perfect for me.  Just one missing ingredient: a little magic.

Accio coffee!

And there it is.  One delicious butterbeer latte.  It is luxurious and lovely and full of caffeine!  This drink can be dressed up with extra butterscotch to be a dessert or dressed down with less syrup for a morning pick-me-up.  I had my first glass with a beef and veg pie I made to mimic one I had once in a pub in London.

Tadaa!  Dana tested, Englishman approved!  No, really.  I sent this picture to my English friend Chris, who commended me on it.

This recipe makes a good bit for many more lattes, or you can always drizzle some of your buttery sweet goodness over ice cream, into your morning yoghurt (see what I did there?), or just into more coffee!


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