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Mason Jar Lattes: Minty Mocha Magic

Sometimes you can improve on an already awesome recipe, this is not one of those times. We're keeping it simple folks.

March = Green. Green = Mint. Mint = Chocolate. All of this equals a happy Heather.

Dana is a whiz in the kitchen when it comes to syrups and getting her lattes just so. I applaud her for this; except I'm lazy and cannot be bothered with all of that work right now. Dana has a lovely minty mocha recipe that includes hot chocolate mix and a candy cane. I have neither of those, and I find that the hot cocoa mixes to be too sweet for my liking. So here's my Lazy Girl Minty Mocha fix.

Minty Mocha

  • 1/8 tsp Mint Extract (mine is spearmint)
  • 1 cup Chocolate Milk (I was lazy and bought chocolate milk from the store)
  • 4 oz espresso or strong coffee
So follow the recipe for our original Mason Jar Latte {HERE}. Substitute the milk in the original recipe with the chocolate milk, and don't add sugar.  Add the extract directly to the coffee, and VOILA! Minty Mocha Magic. 

Now Dana always has some tie into books and takes a pretty picture, so I'm not going to do that, cause I haven't read any books lately unless you count patterns. She is currently trying to come up with ideas to "help" me as I write this post, cackling all the while. So here is my offering to you. 

I've titled it Minty Mocha Morning Madness. 

And one more for good measure. 


1 comment:

  1. I can’t imagine Dana cackling as she ‘advises’ you on picture to illustrate your blog.
