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CSI anyone?

So I got rid of my sentimental photos of the boys in lieu of some new art and tchotchkes, but I still wanted something meaningful and unique to the family, so then I thought what's more unique than a thumbprint?

So this is what I came up with!

Ok I know exactly which print belongs to which boy, but I am loving the graphic quality of the art. Even if it didn't turn out exactly right. :)  Let me tell you what I did, but first the only supplies I needed were - stamp pad, plain paper, paint, 2- 8x10 canvases, paintbrush, omni gel transfer medium.

First I stamped each boys' thumbprint on a sheet of plain white paper.

I ended up having to do several prints, and then choose the best of each print.

Then I took a picture of the prints and loaded them up into Photoshop and then removed all the color. I wanted black and white. I used my magic wand to eliminate any grays in the photo. I printed out the thumbprints so that they were 8x10. I wanted the prints to take  up most of the canvas space.

I then took my prints to Staples to photocopy them, because the transfer gel really only works on toner ink, not ink jet. I then took my pretty prints and applied the gel per the instructions. While the coats of gel were drying I then painted my canvases. I used colors in my family room and kind of slopped them on and then blended all of them together with my paintbrush. Think 2 year old method of smearing. :)

I then soaked my prints in water....and gently rubbed off the paper backing. I thought I had done a better job of it than I actually had, but the result has grown on me. :) Glue the transfer down  to the canvas using the gel.

 I am in love with my unique art. :)

What do you guys think? Have a great day guys!

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