Well its been another week, and I'm feeling pretty good about my progress this last week. I've copied and pasted my goals from the last two weeks and have added commentary to them. I think this week, I'm going to be changing up these goals. Variety is the spice of life, right?
- Food. I'm already watching calories and what I put into my body and I'm going to keep at it. I use My Fitness Pal to track my calories and exercise during the day. I recently lowered my caloric intake from 1800 a day to 1730 a day. I'm nervous about this, but I know I can stay at or under my goal. I'm still doing well with this goal, so I think its become habit now. I'm going to remove this as a goal for this week.
- Water. DRINK MORE OF IT! Seriously, were coffee water I'd be golden. Its not and that makes me sad. I should drink 8 cups. I average about 3. I want to get at least 4 cups of water a day in me. I did pretty well on this goal this week. We brought a case of water with us camping and I drank that mostly, except for all the alcohol. :) I'm still going to have this as a goal, because I can still improve. Today I had 5 cups of water. I've replaced one of my afternoon coffees with a glass of water so that's helped. Not to mention the heat wave and all the time spent at the pool. If I bring water with me, I'll drink it.
- Stress. We all deal with it. There's a lot going on for us right now, but I want to do my best to manage it better. Its interfering with my sleep, and that's not good for anyone in this house. I'm still stressing, but I'm managing it by taking it out on my boxing routine. I'm going to remove this goal this week and work towards something else.
- Sleep. I should not stay up until midnight or later every night. I need my sleep, especially with my increased activity during the day. I'm going to bed by 11. That needs to happen. I need to get better about this. Now that summer is here and I don't have to be up by 7, I've been slacking. This is going to stay a goal.
- Guilt. I do not need to feel guilty about not tracking my calories one day, and I don't need to feel guilty about enjoying a glass of wine or 3 with my friends. I have educated myself enough to where I should feel comfortable having a treat every so often. I don't binge and I don't eat like crap, one treat will not undo all that I've done. I feel like I'm not ever going to completely get rid of my guilt, but I'm managing it better. So this goal is biting the dust.
- Fear. A healthy dose of fear is not bad for anyone. I wish Small Fry knew this. A healthy respect of fear would do him a world of good. However; my fear is causing me stress. I'm terrified of putting back on the weight I've lost. Its stressing me out. This is counter-productive. Stress makes me want to eat. I don't want to eat, think of the calories, so I have a cup of coffee instead. I need to not be afraid that the weight will come back. I am not going back to my old ways so the weight shouldn't come back, but I'm a worrier. I need to stop fretting. I'm still dealing with this, but I don't feel like this is something that I'll ever get over. I just need to accept that it is part of who I am and keep moving forward. I'm taking this goal off the list.
- Injuries. My left knee is acting up again. Of course it is. Its terrific weather outside and I want to run so why wouldn't it act up? I need to wear my brace whether I like it or not. My knee is not going to heal or be 100% but I can get it close. I just need to wear my damn brace. Oh dear Lord. I remembered my braces. Yes, I said braces. My knees seriously hate me. They've now recruited my left hip into their shenanigans. I ran yesterday morning, and made sure to wear my little brace on my left knee. After 1.5 miles my knee is calling me all sorts of nasty, inappropriate names. By the time 2 miles is done, the other knee has joined the chorus. I get home and put the 'big' brace on the left knee, the 'little' brace on the right knee and then head off to Zumba. We jumped a lot in class today. There were also lunges. My knees hate me, so does the hip. I will have to keep wearing my braces and I may have to wear the 'big' brace next time I run.
- Running. Get. Back. To. It. Even if I have to walk/jog, I need to get back to running. I enjoy it, but I do not need to push myself so hard again. Remember those knees of yours? Even if I get in one run a week, I will be happy. I kind of failed on this. I did not get another run in last week, but I did go running yesterday and the run was amazing, even with the knees (remember the above commentary). The first mile was awesome. 11:40. 2 seconds slower than my fastest mile to date. Not to shabby. Overall I had a 12:49 pace, which I'm not displeased with. I need to run twice more this week to get back into good standing for my Nike+ goal.
- Weights. Add more of them. I'm a wimp. I like 2 pound weights. They're easy. I need to increase what I lift so that I can tone up my muscle more. No More Wimp! I didn't do any weights this week, so that's a big fat failure on this goal. I need to improve. It also doesn't help that I hurt my hand this last week.
- 10 pounds. Lose.It. I weighed myself yesterday and I was 252 even. Wow. 2 pounds from that humongous milestone of 250. I'm in disbelief that I'm actually there. I just cut out three patterns for myself at a size 22 (for non-sewers that's like an XL in retail sizes). Did you know that last summer I was making stuff in a size 26 (2XL)? Scary what 45 pounds does for you. Imagine what 55 pounds lost will look like. :) So I didn't lose another 5 pounds this week. I did lose another pound though, but considering everything I ate during camping, I'll take another pound. So that's 6 pounds total. Hopefully I can get those last 4 pounds gone this week!
- Water. I need to get my average up to 4 cups a day.
- Get to bed by 11 pm every night. I know its the summer, but the boys still wake up early.
- Preventative measures. Wear my braces. No questions. Just do it. My knees will eventually thank me.
- Run. Run. Run. Run. Get back on track with my Nike+ goal.
- Add the weights! Tone up those arms and torso.
- Get to the gym more. Its easy to take the easy road when I work out at home. The gym pushes me.
- Utilize pool time with the kids better. When its adult only swim, I need to swim laps. 15 minutes of laps.
- Try out turbo kick at the gym. I've taken it once and it scares me. I should give it a decent 3 tries before saying that its not for me.
- Do more yoga/pilates. I need to stretch and improve my flexibility. Everything hurts and the stretching would feel good.
- Be 225 by the time school starts in September. That's another 25 pounds in 10 weeks. I know I can do this.
Well those are my goals. Some are ambitious and some is just routine maintenance, but they all need to get done. So link up your posts to Project 10 and let the wonderful ladies inspire and motivate you to become the you - you want to be.
I like the way you listed out your goals and I think they are super achievable. Good luck!