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Project 10

I have 800 things going on lately, and all of them are self-induced. I really couldn't be happier. The only problem? Not enough time, and that's what this post was going to be about. Juggling. What am I juggling? Blogging time. 

Instead I'm going to tell you guys about Project 10! My super soxxy friend, Sarah, gave me the heads up about a project she's joined to help her lose 10 pounds or more, and just get healthier in general. So I checked out her post {HERE}.

I'm intrigued. Its been a while since I've set new goals for myself, well since I wrote them down and shared them, and new goals are not a bad thing. So I check out Stephanie's Mommy Brain blog (she's the wonderful lady hosting said Project 10) and I'm jumping on board the Project 10 ship!

For those of you who have followed this humble little blog for a while know that my 1 year gym anniversary is coming up. July 26, 2011 is when I joined my gym. Scary. Its been a whole year - ok 11 months really, but who cares? Where the heck did time go? More to the point - HOOOOOORAAAAAY! Its been a freaking year (11 months) and I'm still going to the gym and dedicating at least an hour a day to my health. I cannot tell you how freaking good that feels. Just give me a sec to finish patting myself on the back. 

As I read Sarah's post, I realized that her journey is beginning much like my journey did. I had health problems - mainly my back and my knees. When I was younger I bruised my spine at least twice (that I can remember) and well, we all know the story with my knees (stupid freaking knees).  Last year, read December 2010, I went to my yearly girl appointment and weighed in at 296 pounds. Holy Freaking Batman! When the hell did I get to weigh so damn much. How did that happen? EFFF.  I still did nothing though. I dressed to hide my flaws, and that worked for a while. 

Then in April, I really got to know an awesome person, and through her met more awesome girls. My awesome girl is Lauren. She and I started taking walks, which then evolved into us joining said gym and developing a good routine. When the school year began, my schedule had to change. My big guy was going to kindergarten and that was a jolt to the system, so I wasn't able to go to the gym with Lauren as often as I would have liked. Then life happened. I got to know the moms at the bus stop better and their schedules were more in line with mine so we got closer. Lauren and I still talk on facebook, but we haven't seen each other in months. I know that with summer coming, she and I will probably have the time to hang out together and watch our children play, but I want everyone to know how thankful I am to Lauren for providing me the huge kick in the pants to get healthy. Thank you, Lauren! I can't wait to be able to hang again this summer! 

So now, as I reflect on goals that I've achieved, I am suffering a bit of nostalgia. I remember hiding from people and events because of my size. I remember not being able to keep up with my boys. I remember being unhappy, but never truly admitting to it.

Now there's a new ballgame. I'm on the path, I'm not detouring from it and I'm excited to be on it. Where to go from here?

For the next 10 weeks, I'm going to focus on the following things:
  • Food. I'm already watching calories and what I put into my body and I'm going to keep at it. I use My Fitness Pal to track my calories and exercise during the day. I recently lowered my caloric intake from 1800 a day to 1730 a day. I'm nervous about this, but I know I can stay at or under my goal. 
  • Water. DRINK MORE OF IT! Seriously, were coffee water I'd be golden. Its not and that makes me sad. I should drink 8 cups. I average about 3. I want to get at least 4 cups of water a day in me. 
  • Stress. We all deal with it. There's a lot going on for us right now, but I want to do my best to manage it better. Its interfering with my sleep, and that's not good for anyone in this house.
  • Sleep. I should not stay up until midnight or later every night. I need my sleep, especially with my increased activity during the day. I'm going to bed by 11. That needs to happen.
  • Guilt. I do not need to feel guilty about not tracking my calories one day, and I don't need to feel guilty about enjoying a glass of wine or 3 with my friends. I have educated myself enough to where I should feel comfortable having a treat every so often. I don't binge and I don't eat like crap, one treat will not undo all that I've done. 
  • Fear. A healthy dose of fear is not bad for anyone. I wish Small Fry knew this. A healthy respect of fear would do him a world of good. However; my fear is causing me stress. I'm terrified of putting back on the weight I've lost. Its stressing me out. This is counter-productive. Stress makes me want to eat. I don't want to eat, think of the calories, so I have a cup of coffee instead. I need to not be afraid that the weight will come back. I am not going back to my old ways so the weight shouldn't come back, but I'm a worrier. I need to stop fretting.
  • Injuries. My left knee is acting up again. Of course it is. Its terrific weather outside and I want to run so why wouldn't it act up? I need to wear my brace whether I like it or not. My knee is not going to heal or be 100% but I can get it close. I just need to wear my damn brace.
  • Running. Get. Back. To. It. Even if I have to walk/jog, I need to get back to running. I enjoy it, but I do not need to push myself so hard again. Remember those knees of yours? Even if I get in one run a week, I will be happy.
  • Weights. Add more of them. I'm a wimp. I like 2 pound weights. They're easy. I need to increase what I lift so that I can tone up my muscle more. No More Wimp!
  • 10 pounds. Lose.It. I weighed myself yesterday and I was 252 even. Wow. 2 pounds from that humongous milestone of 250. I'm in disbelief that I'm actually there. I just cut out three patterns for myself at a size 22 (for non-sewers that's like an XL in retail sizes). Did you know that last summer I was making stuff in a size 26 (2XL)? Scary what 45 pounds does for you. Imagine what 55 pounds lost will look like. :) 
So there's my list. 10 things to focus on. Will any of you join me in Project 10? 


  1. Welcome to Project 10!! I'm glad you can join us! 45 pounds is an amazing accomplishment. You have every right to pat yourself on the back! Know that we are all cheering you on as you work toward losing the next 5 pounds!!! :D

    Stephanie Kay
    Stephanie's Mommy Brain

  2. I'm so proud of you! You are looking fabulous. I'm also glad you're linking up with us - these women are all really fantastic. It's so nice to have a supportive community (not that E isn't supportive, but he likes how I look so its different). It's awesome that it's been almost a year since you began your journey. I hope I'm motivated to stick to it for a year!
