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Inspirational Training Calendars for 2019

What is this? I'm posting again? What!? 

The stars must've aligned, I may be getting back into a semblance of a rhythm, or I had a bad dream. 

I'm going to go with the latter, Alex. 

I had a bad dream. How, you may ask, does a bad dream equal another blog post? 

Easy, I'll show you. 

So, no, I didn't make these calendars in my sleep and they're not exactly new.

Let me first explain the bad dream. I dreamt that I was going in for surgery again, this time for my foot, and it was going to take 6 weeks to even start moving again. I freaked out in a big way.

What about my running?

The snarky dream doctor retorted back with, "What running?"

Well, eff you dream lady doctor. I woke up in a bit of a state. I was angry, agitated, and annoyed. I think I got all the A's covered, but the stark realization was that my subconscious was absolutely right. I haven't been running the way I know I need to to get ready for Nashville. 

I know I'm scared. I'm scared of so many things, but apparently, the thing I'm most afraid of is never doing it again.

And all of this brings us back to today's post - New Inspirational Calendars.

So these are not "new" in the sense that you've never seen them before. They're not that new, but they're new in the fact that I added color, updated them for 2019, and added a training plan to them that I think I'll be able to stick to. The original post for these calendars is {HERE}.

No, I don't think I can run 5 days a week. I couldn't do that reliably before, so it'd be silly of me to expect it this time around. Not to mention, that my husband might murder me if I put that kind of pressure on myself and have it leak over to the family.

I woke up this morning knowing exactly what I needed to do. 3 runs a week, 2 days of cross-training, 2 rest days. Adjust as needed, but that long run needs to get done. Every. Single. Week.

A quick google search landed me on a doable training plan, that I tweaked for myself. The original plan is from Snacking in Sneakers {HERE}, but like I said, I changed mine. No, I'm not going to share it, because I don't know what works for y'all. I'm not even sure this is gonna work for me, but I'm gonna give it a go.

Here are blank copies of the calendar, in case you want to download your own copies and get started on your own training. Just click the pictures for the full-size version then right-click and save as.

Thanks so much for stopping by! 

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