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7-Year Itch

Well it hasn't been quite 7 years since we updated our master bedroom, but we've lived in our house for 7 years, and while I love my house, there are always a few things that I wish we'd had, or wish that we'd gotten, or had been available. 

We've been slowly changing/updating various things in the house for about 4 months. We finally got the basement to where we love it. Baby Girl's bedroom is perfect. Small Fry is super happy with the changes to his room. Big Guy is still developing his idea for his perfect room, but so far the only thing I've gotten out of him is that he wants green valances/curtains for his room. 

Hubs and I are no different. We've been cleaning out and reclaiming our bedroom. It'd become a dumping ground for anything that should be saved or stored for later use. Clothes that were being donated were piled up, our clean clothes were creating a nice mountain range at the foot of our bed. It wasn't our room. It looked worse than the rest of the house, and it was stressful. 

We've been wanting to clean up our room and reclaim it for ourselves, and finally we did. Well, I put it on the calendar, and then the day we were going to clean it up, my very sweet and loving husband did all of the work in our room by himself while I was out on my long run. He completely surprised me with what he'd done. You know you've been married a while and truly in love when your husband completely cleaning your room and even making the bed brings a few tears of happiness to your eyes. 

So now that our room has been clean for a few weeks, we started talking about how we'd like to update it. When we first tackled our room 6 years ago, we never quite finished the transformation. We got only so far, and then other things started getting put first. I'm not upset about it, it's just how it is. 

So the room's unveiling post is {HERE}. If only we'd been able to keep it that clean. 

Now the nightstand in the picture has changed, because that is the nightstand I painted for Big Guy and moved into his room. The duvet seen there isn't used anymore, it was just too heavy. I went with a white duvet cover from Ikea. The curtains are white now as well. 

Here's the other side of the room. The dressers are still in the same places, but the pictures and standing mirror have moved. 

The vanity is still here, but the chair has lost it's slipcover. The vanity's post is {HERE}. 

So now that you have a rough idea of what I'm working with, here's a sneak peek of what's going to change. 

The vanity is going to be painted that lovely navy blue, the fabric will become some new pillows. That oh-so-pale blue will get put on our ceiling, and the gray/white in the background will hopefully one day be on our two dressers.

I have other plans too - the yellow accent color I've got in the room currently will stay, but the green pillows are going to get redone. I plan on updating the curtains, and there is going to be a slight furniture rearrangement. 

This is not going to be a project that gets done all at once. It'll get done one bite at a time, but hopefully I'll be done with it in a few months. 

Thanks for visiting!

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