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Do Unto Others...

Happy Friday, friends! There's no recipe today, but I have good news anyway. I was reminded today of how extraordinarily blessed we are. We're doing a Thanksgiving food drive at my church for an impoverished town in Kentucky. Now, you have to understand that I do not have the most generous heart. Most of my attempts at volunteering have ended with me quitting. So what's the difference here? I've said it before and I'll say it again, feeding people is what I do. It's what my whole family does. Trust me, no one ever went hungry is our house, so Mike and I grocery-shopped the heck out of the list we were given and ended up with all of this:

Pasta and stuffing and beans and tinned goods and so much more! Looking at everything and knowing it was going to a family in need, I actually got all choked up. This is not like me at all. I just imagine how happy that family in Kentucky will be and how they won't have to worry about feeding their family for a good long while and...well...okay, it's happening again.

Here in this month of Thanksgiving, I think it's so important to count our blessings and just be glad for what we have. I'm so thankful that God has enabled Mike and I to be able to pay it forward, and I hope that you will be able to this season as well.

Bonus Thankfulness: A woman in my life was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a successful mastectomy today! Now I'm praying for a smooth and speedy recovery. Go get'em, sister!

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