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Rerun - Cinnamon Napkin Rings!

So last year I had a stroke of brilliance and I am going to share the goodness again this year! I hope you guys enjoy!

Well the baking is in full swing to get ahead of the roasting tomorrow. My hands are so dry from all the hand washing, but while waiting for all the baked goodness to get done yesterday So I decided that needed some new napkin rings. I busted out my old napkin ring projects and moths flew out.  Hrm. Ok so its been a while, but never fear. I have a plan! So on to the show!
Stuff you'll need:
3" Cinnamon Sticks - I got my cinnamon sticks from Buckland Farm Market and 5 packages of their whole cinnamon sticks made all 6 napkin rings. Each napkin ring is made up of 13 or 14 cinnamon sticks. I got all of the cinnamon sticks for less than $8.

What you'll do:
Cut a length of jute about a yard long, then separate the jute into individual strands, like floss.

Tie your jute strand around your first cinnamon stick. Not like this:

But like this. Have the cinnamon stick knotted in the middle of the strand. I used an overhand knot (I think).  I placed the knot towards one end of the stick.

Then loop the strands around the next cinnamon stick and knot that. Continue until you cinnamon sticks will go around a toilet paper roll.

Isn't that a lovely picture? Devlin pulled it freshly empty from our powder room. He's so sweet. He's also very managing. How many pictures do you see Super Mario Galaxy jammies in?

So after you get all of the cinnamon sticks tied, you need to take another strand of jute and tie the other ends of all the cinnamon sticks together as you did before.

Once both sides are knotted then just bring the ends of your cinnamon stick row together and tie the jute strands around the opposite stick and trim the ends close.

Enjoy! This really didn't take any time at all and I'm enjoying the subtle fragrance from them. :) What do you guys think?  Oh! and don't worry if the jute breaks {and it will} just tie the broken strand back together and keep  going. You won't notice. Strands broke on every single one of my napkin rings.

Have a great day!


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