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Some past projects

Well I've never been very good about keeping a diary. In fact, I don't think I've ever had a diary and the journal I tried keeping on my computer was better in theory than execution. Hopefully, this goes better as I hope to one day be my own boss.

I went through a phase one weekend where my kitchen was not working. Which is sad, because we moved in at the end of May and I usually love my kitchen. After a pot rack and rotating some of the other decor items, I decided to decorate the top of my cabinets. I love the wood pieces that say something funny, witty or sweet, but as I am not usually any of those things. I went with what I'm good at....the blunt, in-your-face truth :) So I went to A C Moore and picked up E, A, and T and then took a leftover 1x3 and gorilla glued the letters to the board. Painted it a bright yellow, some valspar color which I will have to find later, and then distressed it all. Wiped some red oak minwax stain over the entire thing and let dry.

I put it up on top of my cabinets and it was too short, so I took another leftover 1x3 and placed it underneath my new word and voila! Success. I love my short and simple word, and "EAT" works perfectly for what I expect to happen in my kitchen. :)

I also have up there a set of two jars above the corner cabinet, but I don't have pictures of them (I don't think) but I had to share because I picked up each jar for just $3 from Home Goods (love this store), and while I'm not done with the tops of my least I'm off to a good start.

Here are some of my other past projects.

This is a sign I made for my father and his made up word for his birthday. :) I am quite impressed even if the definition is more verb than noun.

Steve needed a lamp for his study because I kept stealing and rotating lamps around the house. So I took an old lamp that we had and repainted it. Dev picked out the color and thank goodness that he picked aluminum. The lamp had been a cherry red which would not work in what Steve wants to do in his study.

We also stenciled the shade because I thought it needed something else. Dev helped with that too. We went to A C Moore and then he helped me decide on the stencil and then the color to use. We picked buttermilk. Dev has a very good sense of color for a 4-year old.
The lamp turned out wonderfully and it is now sitting the corner of Steve's study awaiting the rest of the room to catch up with it's awesomeness.
BTW, for all you moms out there. Stencilling is a very easy way to get your youngster involved. The stippling they have to do is very had to mess up and it's easy enough for the younger crowd. Before Harrison was born we stenciled his room with a safari theme and Devlin (who was 3 at the time) helped us out. He really enjoyed being apart of that process and while he only did 1 or 2 repeats he still had a blast.

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