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Nap time is fun time

Do you remember a few days ago I mentioned that I painted our first kitchen a shade of green that my husband hated? Well, I've picked another shade of bright green...he's calling it revenge green, but even with such a horrible moniker its still lovely.

We've been finshing a part of our basement that the builder did not, and the exercise room is now leaf bud green (per Valspar).  I have added a set of stripes and plan on doing another stripe to finish the room off, but I wanted to share with you the progress till now.

Now you may or may not remember me mentioning that I have a 4 month old, and one of my girlfriends is always asking me where I find the time...Well the answer is NAP TIME! H (or Harrison) is not a great napper. Devlin was a wonderful napper; he would sleep for 3 to 4 hours at a stretch, but then again he was not great at night. Harrison is wonderful at night; goes down at 8 or so and doesn't get up till 7ish. 

 My other secret is the exersaucer. Harrison loves it, especially now that he's teething....he just shoves those little toys in his mouth and noms away, which leaves me plenty of time to get small sections done on my projects. This is when the stripes in the exercise room have been done. Devlin is also a wonderful big brother, because he always runs to tell me the moment that his brother is not happy, and if I don't respond to his liking he gets louder. Effective, but time restrictive. Gotta love Baby Einstein as well....the music playing in the background keeps both boys happy as they both love music.

So like I said (as I get back on topic), another stripe will be added and it will be in a raspberry color. The stripe that is shown is actually a slate blue color and not gray, but I couldn't get the pictures to cooperate.

Maybe sometime this week I'll be able to get back to my sewing, but at least everything is cut out.


1 comment:

  1. ahhhh so that's how you create nice even stripes on a wall!
