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Those who wait...

So everyone knows the saying, "Good things will come to those who wait," but boy did I hit the jackpot over the weekend while visiting Steve's parents!!! The boys were being baby-sat by their grandparents and Steve and I finished up our meeting with the pastor who is going to be performing H's baptism so we decided to get in some us time....we went to Target. Oh we're so on the parental boat. Time alone and we go to Target.....go us!

After getting meds for the boys (oh how I love runny noses) we window shopped around, because it's not like every Target doesn't have the same stuff. While it's true they do have the same stuff, not all the same stuff is put on clearance! I have been drooling over several things that Target has, but I'm not willing to pay their prices....and Stephen would murderlize me if I bought everything I had an inkling for. So while we window shopped we came across: an urn-shaped glass amber, pearl-glazed table lamp, slate blue flocked damask shade, Thomas O'Brian stainless-looking wall clock. Now all three of these things should have run us close to $90....but on clearance we spent a whooping......$26! Yay!

So after driving home, I decided to take advantage of some sales....well one sale...Michael's! For Christmas I got Stephen some prints for his lounge....but they needed to be framed and a while back I found some nice mats from A C Moore. They were 40% off so I went with a 16x20 mat with an 8x10 opening. The prints needed a 6x8 opening so I had some left over cardstock from some invites that I cut to size. Michael's has frame 50% off because of President's Day on Monday, and well....some of their frames are on clearance (maybe I should have titled this Clearance Day) so while I was checking out I asked if the clearance frames were also eligible for the 50% off on top of the clearance price. The cashier asked her manager and the manager said yes, so I got 2 16x20 frames for $25....score! My mother has a saying that I never really believed until I was older in regards to asking for things you want.

"The worst they can say is no."

While being told no is never fun it's not like it puts me in any worse a condition than when I started, so I have learned that even if it's a long shot....go ahead and ask...because the worst they can tell you is no. :) Love you Ma!

So the pictures show off our finds. Most of them went into Stephen's lounge, which is in desperate need of finishing touches...yay for me! The lamp is now my bedside table. Our bedroom is in the beginning stages of being finished. We (I) just decided on paint colors for it, I finished designing the new nightstands and now we have a better least on my side. I still need to find a lamp for Steve's side, but I plan on hitting my favorite consignment shop tomorrow, The Very Thing.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day!


  1. this room looks even more amazing with the pictures and clock

  2. who the eff is MGA?
