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Duct Tape to the Rescue!

Yesterday I shared my pretty new dress, and we all know that pretty new dresses need pretty shoes to go with them. Except I had no pretty white shoes to go with my pretty new dress. How many times can I say pretty?  Enter Pinterest...

A while back I pinned this great redo from AGAAGG.

Aren't those adorably cute shoes? That houndstooth pattern is vinyl. Yep, you heard it right. Its vinyl. Do you see my light bulb starting to get brighter? I don't have any vinyl (well none that I'd put on shoes) but I do live near a Target that sells all sorts of fun duct tape!

So after fetching some white duct tape, I gathered my supplies (shoes, duct tape, craft knife, brown paint pen) and got to work.  I forgot to take before pictures of both shoes undone, but you get the idea. :)

The original shoes weren't bad, but like I said - I needed white shoes to go with the outfit.

After applying all of my duct tape the shoes needed something more. So here's where the paint pen comes  in. The shoes had decorative stitching on them originally, so I just drew some brown stitches on the duct tape. Worked like a charm.
 Aren't they adorable? I love that I was able to reuse some old shoes. Although during the wedding I did remember why I stopped wearing said shoes (about 4 years ago) and that's because as my feet swell, the shoes don't and it makes for some painful feet. Oh well, at least I looked good while my feet weren't swollen. :)


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