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Project 10-4 (Efffff)

Has it really been another week? Already? Efff. The parties and holidays are not being my friend. They're screwing with my schedule in a big way. I need  to focus. That might be the 11th goal this week. I seriously need to buckle down and get a handle on this summer crap. 

  • Water. I need to get my average up to 4 cups a day. Still failing. Although, I did voluntarily start drinking water while visiting my Mom the other day, so while a big fat F it might be an F+. 
  • Get to bed by 11 pm every night. I know its the summer, but the boys still wake up early.   Is there something lower than an F that I can give myself?  I don't think I've had one bedtime before midnight this week and I definitely stayed up until 2 one morning reading a new book. This could be a reason why I slept until 10:44 this morning. Eff. 
  • Preventative measures. Wear my braces. No questions. Just do it. My knees will eventually thank me. I suppose if I had worked out at all this week, I might have remembered my braces, but I didn't make it to the gym. At all. Remember when I had problems freaking out about the weight returning. Yea - I'm kind of freaking out.  
  • Run. Run. Run. Run. Get back on track with my Nike+ goal. So much failure this week. I feel like I need a mulligan. No running happened. Does running after the kids count?  
  • Add the weights! Tone up those arms and torso. Does lifting my kids count as weights, cause those would be the only weights I lifted this week. Still logging the failures. 
  • Get to the gym more. Its easy to take the easy road when I work out at home. The gym pushes me. Did you see the comment about  not working out? Yea......I am giving myself a big 'ole fat goose egg for this goal.  
  • Utilize pool time with the kids better. When its adult only swim, I need to swim laps. 15 minutes of laps. OOOH! Something I didn't fail at! Of course, we only went to the pool once, but that's  because our pool was out of commission for 4 days because of a derecho storm that came through and knocked out power to most of our community. Luckily, we were not affected and were able to enjoy the lovely comforts of our a/c, but many of our friends were not as lucky. Anyways, I got in a solid 45 minutes of laps, and I did feel that exercise for most of  the day. I did concentrate on my form and targeting different muscle groups. 
  • Try out turbo kick at the gym. I've taken it once and it scares me. I should give it a decent 3 tries before saying that its not for me. ANNNNNNND back to failing........
  • Do more yoga/pilates. I need to stretch and improve my flexibility. Everything hurts and the stretching would feel good. Still failing....... 
  • Be 225 by the time school starts in September. That's another 25 pounds in 10 weeks. I know I can do this. I have not stepped on a scale in a week, so I have no idea if I lost weight  or not. I did so horribly this week that I'm a little afraid to see the damage. So I'm going to say that I'm still at 244 and I still have work to do. :)
Wasn't that report just full of sunshine and happiness? Do you feel warm and fuzzy? Ugh, I can't believe how bad I was this week. I'm usually pretty disciplined.  The news doesn't get better either. 

I made myself a new dress for my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary party, and I wanted to love it so much more than I did. I mean it didn't look bad and I didn't look bad in it, but I think I just wanted more from it. 
 So there's the dress. Unfortunately, I didn't  get a picture of the back (which is the best part, IMO). The back has a fun metal zipper being shown off, but like I said, the dress didn't fit me the way I imagined it would. I've been having that problem lately though. For this dress, the  waist could have been pulled in a bit and the bodice could be lengthened among other things. 

I made myself a swimsuit today, and again - its not quite right. Sigh. I'm not batting a good average over here, and hopefully it changes soon. I've cut out two more things for me and I am really hoping that they work out because otherwise I may retire to my room for a week, and lord knows  that's not going to put me in a better mood.

I'm going to be keeping all of my goals the same for next week, and maybe - just maybe- I'll be able to accomplish something next week. 


  1. This is where positivity becomes most important so you don't give up. Keep at it. Just put that week behind you and move forward!

    We ALL have those weeks, Lord knows....

  2. Don't let one week of unhealthy choices get you down. Remember why you are on this journey and get back on the bandwagon! As for the dress, I really like the color. It's cute but I see what you mean about not being quite right. Growing up I made a lot of my clothes. Which is why I haven't been near a sewing machine in years. Everything I made was always, ehhhh... So I avoid it. Can't wait to see how you did this week!
