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Project 10-7

I can't believe that summer is half over! I just went school shopping for my Big Guy. He's going into the first grade, and I can't believe it. I mean I'm totally excited that school will be starting sooner than later, but still summer is half over. :-(  At least with the new school year it means that I can get back into some semblance of a routine. In other news, Small Fry tried eating a few new things. Too bad they were magnets. After a quick trip to the ER to make sure they were connected and not  pinching any of his innards, we then had fun on poop watch. Hopefully Small Fry will settle down, because  I don't know if I can survive anymore ER visits for him.

I was totally bad this week. I didn't make it to the gym at all. I need to hit the weights again, but the pool is just so  much more fun. Let's see how I did on goals this week.

  • Water. I need to get my average up to 4 cups a day. I'm still doing only ok with this. I slipped back into old habits this week, but I am still taking water with me every time I go to the pool, and there is no soda in the house anymore so that helps. 
  • Get to bed by 11 pm every night. I know its the summer, but the boys still wake up early.    I am actually improving at this. Midnight is still my usual go to bedtime, but I did make it into bed at 11:30 one night, and I've managed to wake up at 8 every morning, I just don't get out of bed for any hour or so. I listen to the kids, read or drift back off to sleep, but usually by 9 am I'm up and about. I did  get to hear a very fun argument between the boys this morning. 
  • Preventative measures. Wear my braces. No questions. Just do it. My knees will eventually thank me.  I did wear my brace this week and its comfortable, but I didn't get running or even attend zumba, so I don't know how it'll do with actual activity, but walking around with it feels good.    
  • Run. Run. Run. Run. Get back on track with my Nike+ goal. I walked 3 miles with my Mom and the kids on Saturday, and it felt good. We  averaged a little faster than 3 miles an hour and it felt good. My mom really pushed herself the first half to keep up with me (and the boys, who were on bikes), and I was so proud of her for it. We did take a break at  the halfway point for about 10 minutes to let the kids play and then turned around. It was a lovely walk.   
  • Add the weights! Tone up those arms and torso. I'm still counting throwing the kids as weights, but I've also started to target more of muscle groups while doing my laps, so for 3 laps or so I'll concentrate on my arms, or my inner thighs , etc.. 
  • Get to the gym more. Its easy to take the easy road when I work out at home. The gym pushes me.  I failed this. I didn't even go to the gym.   
  • Utilize pool time with the kids better. When its adult only swim, I need to swim laps. 15 minutes of laps. I've been doing laps and they're harder the longer I do them, but I figure  as long as I'm doing them it doesn't matter how fast or slow I go. 
  • Try out turbo kick at the gym. I've taken it once and it scares me. I should give it a decent 3 tries before saying that its not for me. ANNNNNNND still failing........
  • Do more yoga/pilates. I need to stretch and improve my flexibility. Everything hurts and the stretching would feel good. failing some more....... 
  • Be 225 by the time school starts in September. That's another 25 pounds in 10 weeks. I know I can do this.  So my lowest (the morning after my ER stint) was 237.2, but I rebounded a little and am sitting at 238.4 right now, still pretty awesome. I love that stress messes with my weight so much, but I'm still 2 pounds lighter than last week, so  I'm going to own my accomplishment. This also means I'm 13 pounds from my goal and I have 4 weeks to do it, I'll be cutting it close, but I'm still shooting for Labor Day! 
Well that's my week, I know what I need to do, but the lull of summer is just to strong. :) I should probably just start doing the wii fit again or something. Or maybe convince the hubs to move his Xbox 360  out into the basement. ;-)


  1. Sounds like you're doing a great job!! Maybe you could try doing some simple yoga stretches before you get into bed at night? Good Luck!

  2. Great job with the soda. It is so much easier to say no once at the grocery store than every day at home!

    If you can find a gentle or yin yoga class, I highly recommend it. It has made me more flexible and more calm.

    I have total faith that you can do 13 pounds by Labor Day! :)
