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So the kids got sick this week so out of 13 miles on the calendar this week,  I've run 3 - I think.


Know what sucks more? Hip pain. Ball of foot pain.

I don't know why I'm so achy today after my short (2 miles) run. It wasn't even a great time. In fact my last two runs have sucked. Maybe its because my route is really hilly and  my joints are telling me all about it. Maybe its because I'm not actually resting on my resting days.

Whatever it is. Its annoying.

Saturday is supposed to have another 5 miles on it. I may go to the gym and try do it on the treadmill, you know a nice flat route. At this point I don't care if I run or walk it, but I want to get 5 miles under my belt.

I did notice today that my first mile was done in a shade over 13 minutes, but the second mile took 16 minutes. Not great, but at least its something.

Oh and hydrating with something other than milk and coffee would have probably been a good idea today. Water was so good after I got home though.


  1. I hope your hip/foot pain gets better! It's not time for new shoes is it?

  2. I hope so too. I think part of my problem is poor hydration other part is actually running outside and not on a nice flat treadmill. Even tho the programs I usually run include inclines on the treadmill - its not the same.

    I hope its not time for new shoes. There's prolly only 60 odd miles on these shoes. I think I need to tighten my laces. My foot was wiggling a lot.
