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That which Makes us Stronger

Over the past several days - I have heard on more than one occasion that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

And I wholeheartedly believe this as well, but this also prompted a facebook status from me that if that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger then by the end of this week I'm going to be stronger than freaking Hercules.

People 'liked' it and it made me feel better.

Then came news this morning.....but I am getting ahead of myself.

Remember my last post where I said the hubs was having surgery this week and H had pneumonia.

Our follow-up visit with our GP ended up with us going over to the ER to get some fluids. He's not eating or drinking. Well not much and even then we have to force - and I do mean force him.

Well in the ER things went down hill, Harrison was admitted to the hospital because his blood oxygen level was averaging about 88. Its supposed to be 98/100, but anything over 95 is good. His level dropped as low as 83 last night, which prompted the obnoxious screaming from his monitors.

They put him on oxygen after doing one course with the nebulizer, and with the oxygen he was doing fine, but what toddler wants to haul around an oxygen tank. So we were admitted, and here we still are.

We met with the pediatrician this morning and because he's still oxygen dependent to get to 96/97 we're staying at least another night, but she did warn us that it could be several days. Fun.

So I've called my family and friends and the enforcements are coming in to help me juggle everything. Hubs comes in tomorrow for his surgery, which is thankfully in the same hospital so I will be volleying between H's room and the waiting room and then hub's room. I am hoping  that H and I will be sent home tomorrow so that I can see Dev, but if not - well we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Here's my little guy right now -

When he wakes up, his brother has left him a cookie that he insisted upon sharing  with him, even though I told him that he could eat the cookie. I did, after all, buy them for him, but he insisted upon sharing with his brother. That, along with all the other kindnesses shown us these last few days, has really humbled me, and I am truly and fully thankful for all the gifts that have been bestowed on my family.


1 comment:

  1. I hope everything goes well and you can all go home very soon. My prayers are with you.
