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Pushing the Stroller

So today I decided that I didn't want to venture out to the gym, but I am trying very hard to keep to my training schedule and instead of resting today I'm going to rest tomorrow and then run a couple of quick miles over the weekend.

So I loaded my small fry up into his stroller, and headed out for a quick run around  the neighborhood. The run was nice, but running with the stroller was a different experience. Obviously, I figure my form would be different, but I didn't expect to feel the run so differently. I had to keep reminding myself not to lean to heavily on the stroller and to keep my back straight.

I also couldn't get up a decent gait  because every time I did  the stroller would shake, a lot. I don't have a jogging stroller, and now I'm thinking that if I continue to go running with my small fry then I might want to invest in one, but then again I didn't really enjoy running while pushing the stroller. My form was the biggest issue, I couldn't get comfortable.

It didn't help that the last third of the run was directly into a strong head wind, and I was struggling against the wind with the stroller. I mean I'm kind of glad for the extra resistance, because it definitely made me work harder, but again it wasn't a completely natural for me.

Anyways, I'm not displeased with the run, just I don't know that its something I'd be regularly doing.

So here's my partner at the end of the run.  I'm definitely a little jealous.

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