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Worst. Run. Ever.

Some may think that I'm a horrible parent for the next sentence but I just can't help myself.

I cannot run with my oldest anymore. I know. I know. It's only our second run, but in all honesty it was probably one run to many.

Here are my problems:
1) he doesn't run. Not at my pace at least, which is totally fine but I need a good long run to detox from being a mom. Especially this week.... It's just been one of those weeks.

2) he doesn't have the stamina. Don't get me wrong, he went further than I thought he would and I'm so proud of him for that. I just want to go farther like a total of 2 or 3 miles not one.

3) I have to be more aware of everything. He's my kid and I have to protect him. Especially on the route we take. It's not a busy road but it's curvy and if a driver is not paying attention it could be dangerous. So I have to have my guard constantly up. I can't lose myself in the run.

Now don't get me wrong, we had some good times during our outings. We saw birds and got to see plants and I got to explain to him about various flora and fauna. Like when we watched a cardinal fly through the underbrush and trees or when I explained what poison ivy was. I wouldn't trade those for anything in the world, but with all of the time I spend with my kids - I just need to reclaim my runs and me time. To be able to lose myself in my run while listening to music that I can't listen to when my kids are in the room.

Well that's all I've got for my ramblings tonight. G'night all!

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