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Status Quo

After taking a week off from the gym, I was very glad to see my scale read 261 this morning.

I figured I had probably gained some pounds back with my poor eating habits and what not over spring break. Its not the lowest weight I've been in my little journey, but its not far off either, so what do I care. 

Is a pound or two really that big of a deal? To some people it is, but not to me. An extra pound isn't  going to change your measurements or how you look at yourself. You can't see a pound. You can see 40 pounds. 

I can see that my stretch marks are disappearing. I can see that I've lost some of my arm flab. I can see that I fit back into clothes that I have not been able to fit back into for a while. 

I cannot see a pound. So I am not going to fret over it. 

I am going to fret over getting enough water, because of the  attack of allergies I'm having. Sudafed really knows how to dry you out. 

I know I should drink 6 glasses of water a day, and I usually only do 3. 

If I count coffee as water, well then, I'd be good, but they don't - so I'm screwed. 

I know I should not have nachos as a midnight snack, so I tell myself no. That same person will tell me to go ahead and eat those nachos if it were 2 pm. I still have time to work off all of that delicious unhealthiness. 

A girlfriend is finishing up the Insanity Workout at the end of the month, and whats to start it again. She's asked a bunch of us if we want to join her in doing it again. I said sure. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I need a cheerleading section, and working out as a group is the perfect thing for me. Sure, I may probably will compare myself to them at some point, it doesn't really matter, because at least I'm doing it. 

I'm also going to be trying to follow the meal plan that goes along with this workout. I'm excited about this, because I love food. A lot. The  hubs has said he'll do the meal plan with me as well, so this should be fun. Hopefully.

I can't wait to see the results of this 60 day experiment. I won't be starting it for another month, which means I have a month to work on my problem areas. 

In other news - I really enjoyed my run today, and I even enjoyed the weight work. I'm trying to decide what to do about tomorrow, because  my plan says to run 2 miles tomorrow and then rest on Thursday, but with my knees aching the way they have been, I don't know that I want to do  Zumba and then run 2 miles. I may just do Zumba tomorrow, and then do my run and the weights on Thursday. I'm scheduled for another run Friday, Saturday and Sunday  - we'll see how that goes, as I usually don't go to the gym on any of those days, but  maybe it'll be nice out so I can run outside. :) 

Well I guess that's all I've got for rambling today. 

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