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Crash and Burn

So I was feeling pretty awesome after the 5k on Saturday, then Sunday showed up and I ached. A lot. My calves and hips were aching pretty bad. Ibuprofen helped, so I went to aqua fitness on Monday. That didn't help. My calves hurt more after doing several laps of 'twinkle toes'. Oh well.

The Tuesday showed up and my plans changed so I didn't go to the gym, but Tuesday night I was feeling pretty pathetic. I was freezing. Piles of blankets did not help, a warm bath did, but I was also starting to cough. Crap.

Wednesday I felt better, so off to Zumba I went. I had a good  workout and I felt really good, aside from sweating my butt off, but I figure I can sweat whatever I'm fighting out of me. Cue - Wednesday night. The sweating did not ease up - even getting dinner served was a nightmare. I was hot, then cold. I'm coughing and it hurts a lot. I feel like there is a an 80 pound weight pushing down on my sternum. My throat hurts but not up high near the back of my mouth, no it hurts down low, near my collar bone. Eff.

Enter Thursday morning- this morning. I feel awful. Someone must've packed sandbags around me last night because everything aches. I feel like I've been beaten, but there are no bruises. I have no voice. Makes fussing after the kids fun. Any physical activity sends me into a hacking fit where I may or may not spit something up. This in turn leads to a fiery burning sensation in my chest and throat. Awesome.

I'm leaving for the doctor soon. Hopefully they can tell  me something, because I feel like hell and the stupid thermometer is telling me that my temp is 97.8. Its lying. I know it is. Stupid electronic piece of crap.

I hate being sick, and I hate that I'm missing the gym. Hopefully I can make it to zumba on Saturday. I hope.

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