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More goals and stuff

So blogger decided to erase my first post so this one might not be as eloquent.

 Firstly, did everyone have a nice Christmas? I did the hubs spoiled me and got me the running and gym gear I wanted.

 I got these new Zumba shoes. Aren't they awesome?
Isn't that pajama'ed leg awesome?

I can't wait  for Zumba tomorrow. These shoes are so very comfortable.

Second he got me the Nike+ SportBand. I can't wait to try this thing out. I don't know how soon I'll be using it since its been sort of miserable lately, but I am excited about it nonetheless. I was hoping to be able to use it at the gym since some of the machines are Nike+ compatible, but according to Nike's website, they are not compatible. Sigh.

Anyways, back to the goals and stuff. When I set up the SportBand, I had to sign up for a Nike+ account and of course that led to some exploring and playing. I decided to start the coaching program for the 10k training. I'm excited about this because when I run the 8k in March I'll be ready, because the training will end two weeks after the race, but given the distance variance between the training and the race, I think I'll do ok.

My goal for next week is to  log 3 runs. Two 3-milers and one 5-miler. The latter should be interesting as I've never run that far before, but I'm hoping that my time doesn't suffer too much because of the added distance.

Anyways, that's all I wanted to ramble on about tonight. I hope you guys have a great evening.

1 comment:

  1. which 8k are you signed up for? I am signed up for the monument 10k in richmond in March. check it out!
