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Missing: 1 Clear Glass Ornament

I was so excited to show off some ornaments for Harrison's tree today, but fate poked her annoying head into my plans, so now I'm going to show you a humongous fail and some wins.

So here are the ornaments that I've been working on.
Do you see my pile of craft stuff? Yep, that's all stuff I've been using to alter these plain Jane ornaments. I had 12 ornaments. I've made 3 beaded covers, which I showed off yesterday, and then I tried painting 6 of them. 4 of those 6 ornaments were a fail, the 2 green ones above were not fails. The other 2 ornaments up there were my redo's. I have one ornament that I'm currently beading, and I can't find the other one. I don't know where it went. I had it on the table with me this afternoon as  I was painting these ornaments, then we had dinner and now I can't find it. Grumble. Oh well - moving on.

So I painted 6 ornaments and only 2 came out right. I don't get it either. They were all enamel paints. I followed the directions. Why did those green ones come out right? I wish I knew, because there was a lot of time  waiting for these things to dry was painfully slow. Here's what the other 4 ornaments looked like after trying to bake them.
Why did the paint peel? Well there are 4 trashed ornaments.

But I'm not going to be deterred so easily. I pulled out my oil-paint sharpie markers in black and brown and started making my animal print ornaments. I free-handed these two ornaments and just filled in with the marker. I had planned on adding glitter to these guys, but after getting everything colored in I decided that they didn't need it.

After I got the zebra one painted, I started on the giraffe one. I happened to have a metallic gold acrylic paint downstairs so I painted the inside of the giraffe ornament after the paint on the outside dried, which didn't take long - thankfully. :) I still need to paint the inside of the zebra ornament, but at least the giraffe ornament is done.
So those are the ornaments that I've gotten done lately.

Hopefully my missing ornament shows up so I can finish my plans. :) I still have more ornaments to make, and I do want to show off all the new trees, so that will be coming up next week!

See you guys later,


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