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So you know when they say......

So I was first introduced to Nike+ back around Christmas time when the hubs got me the Nike sportband. I was overwhelmed and inundated with information and possibilities.

I tried to calibrate the sportband but every time I went on a run it wouldn't bring up the calibrate option. I would later learn it was because I was not running a consistent time.

I finally figured out that I could run on the treadmill and calibrate it that way because I could see exactly how far I went and be able to test their average pace against what Nike said.

Of course, there was a disclaimer in the Nike+ stuff which said they don't recommend calibrating it off of a treadmill, but what do they know?

Fast forward to today........ I know that the Warrenton Greenway is 2.96 miles out and back so when I finished my run and the distance said 3.17 - I groaned. Loudly.

I calibrated my Nike+ again. Eff.

Do basically for every .5 mile ran my Nike+ showed .52 miles. Eff.

So all of my times recently, except for today's, are off. Sigh.

Oh well. Now I have another thing to work towards again. :-)

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