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What I've been doing....

Have you missed me? I've been busy.

I've been busy - sweating.up.a.storm.

How many calories does one burn just by the act of sweating?

Its been so hot and our a/c is out, which means everything feels like I'm doing 10 times more because of the amount of sweat that is produced.

I've stayed pretty good with my calories though, and I've made a concentrated effort to drink more water. I'm shooting for 6 cups a day, but you know it doesn't always feel like I've done it - because of the sweat.

I've been able to get more 'exercise' in by vigorously cleaning my house. The boys have sinus infections so I'm trying to stay on top of the dust and pollen, which is difficult considering the windows are open 24/7 because  of said a/c.

In other news - I hit the pool Saturday with the kiddos and was self-conscious the whole time. Why? Because I felt like the girls were going  to topple from the too-big top I was wearing, but there was nothing for it, because I don't  have any well fitting suits. I'm going to have to rectify that if I plan on spending time at the pool this summer. Which will definitely happen, because I need a good physical outlet for the kiddos. You know school ends in 3 weeks. Eeek! Lots of pool time scheduled.

In other news - I've done something to my upper left arm, and aspercreme and sunburns do not mix. Talk about a stinging sensation. My shoulder/upper arm is killing me. I don't know what I  did to it, but I'll blame small fry. He likes to be picked up, not that I mind, because he's not that heavy. Only about 30 pounds, but I typically will lift him with just the left arm because the right arm usually has my coffee in hand, and we all know that coffee trumps almost everything.

So that's where I am. I don't know how much I weigh, or how much I've gained. Stuff still doesn't fit. I'm planning on making me some new shorts here in a week or so once I get my sister's dress done, and then I'll have a good handle on my new size, but I think I'm somewhere between a 16 and 18, with the hips firmly planted in 18 territory. All of this is just fine with me.

See you guys later!!!!

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