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The Noob

Don't you hate being the 'new guy'? I do.

Its awkward. Everyone knows so much more than you, and you're always a step behind.

That was me today. I finally took TurboKick.

It was a fun class but a lot of hard work and its face paced, which makes it doubly hard to keep up with you don't know the moves.

There is also A LOT of bouncing. I don't bounce. My knees don't bounce. Well I'm sure if I gave them the chance they'd bounce, and then bounce right out of the socket and class would get a show much larger than they bargained for, so I modified. Even still trying to keep up was difficult.

It was such a good workout though, but my right knee is a little sore.

I tried running on the treadmill after class, and it just sucked. That's the best way to describe it. I think I've run outside so much that the treadmill is like running in a hamster wheel and that's just not going to happen.

So I'm going to rest my knee today and then tomorrow before zumba I'll bang out 2 miles. So that's my plan!

Still hovering around the same weight and I have 16 days to lose 4.4 pounds. We'll see how this goes.

I'm still fighting with my food love. I eat/drink to many proteins and carbs, but I have a new idea! I'm not going to cut out the protein or carbs, but I'm going to fill my plate with more veggies and then split the difference between protein and starches. We'll see how this goes. :)

Ok well I'm going to shower and ice my knee. See ya'll later!

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