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Chalkboard Menus!

WOW!! I can not believe that I get to guest post on Straight Stitches!!  This is huge, I have only been blogging for about 3 months over at Homemaking 101, and I have met some very amazing, creative people in the blog world.  I originally was using my blog to stay in touch with family without having to flaunt and showoff  my daughter all over facebook.  It sort of turned into a way to document my journey as a first time mom and a first time homemaker.  I was suddenly overcome with a desire to be a crafty, DIY, cooking, cleaning, teaching Mommy. Homemaking 101 is my place to share all that and more.

For my 1st guest post ever, I have decided to share with you my take on the chalkboard menu boards that I have been seeing everywhere.

Supplies:  board, or picture frame
               wine corks
               sand paper
               glue gun
               chalkboard spray paint

About 1 week ago, I was given this hideous rooster picture with a nice sturdy wooden frame.  It looked a little something like this

I sure hope there are no rooster lovers out there that I am going to offend because this is seriously hideous in my opinion.

I sanded it down, and wiped it clean.

Then it was taped off on the frame and primed.

I am sorry for the picture quality, my camera has a mind of it's own and it decided to not want to work for this project so I used my phone. Also the lighting here is really bad, but hey, it's just primer. The finished product looks great, I promise.

I then took my frame outside and proceeded to spray paint with chalkboard spray paint. One can should be more than enough.

Once dry, I pulled the tape off and followed the directions to cover the board in chalk everywhere.  I then wiped it clean and pulled out my glue gun, and corks.

I used 2 layers of corks, and put a very handy cork board on the bottom of my chalkboard menu.

I love this!! My husband came up with the pattern so I suppose I will give him a little credit. These pictures really don't do this menu board justice. {SORRY}

Finished result looks something like this

Ugh, I can not get the last picture to turn! It is just not my day for pictures I guess.
I love this board though, One day it will go perfect in my Italian themed kitchen, one day.

I hope you enjoyed my version of the menu chalkboard, please stop by my blog anytime. In the coming weeks I will be working on a Halloween wreath, and a Halloween idea to use on all of my saved formula cans.

Thank you so much Heather for this opportunity and have a great vacation!!!



  1. I like that. Oh, and LOVE that your husband seems like a crafty guy, too!

  2. Thanks for joining our blog hop over at Sassy Sites! There are some amazing blogs out there, and you are definetly one of them! I'm a follower of yours too! Happy Friday! xoxo

    Marni @ Sassy Sites!

  3. What a great idea - I love posted menus, it keeps from getting asked "what's for dinner" constantly.
