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Wax On....Wax Off

Well the bug has hit, and I have to tell you....the hubs is nervous. I want to change stuff. I don't want to spend a lot though, on this Steve would be proud. :)

So the first part of this bug was my mirror collage, well actually, its a part of a slightly bigger than average plan, but its the beginning!

So here's the first step! I wanted/needed to move all of the mirrors I had near the foyer to make room for the artwork that is currently residing above my fireplace, but those mirrors were all gold. I decided that the guest room was the best place for all those mirrors. That poor room only has one small window as it is. Too bad, I'm going with a pale gray in there and gold would clash. In a big way.

Out comes the rub 'n buff. I've never used it before but I've seen it here and there around bloggy-land. For those of you guys that don't know what it is, it's a wax. It comes in several metallic colors and is really easy to apply. I ended up going with silver {shocking, I know}. I decided to go with the wax instead of paint for a couple reasons. 1) I didn't want to tape anything off and 2) I wanted an antiqued look w/o having to glaze, sand or work at it. Yep, I hit a lazy patch.

So I grabbed all of the mirrors, dusted and cleaned them, then set out the newspaper. I probably should have pulled out dry, soft cloth at the very least, but the silver tinge underneath my fingernails for the next few days was totally worth it. :) After just rubbing the wax onto the frames, I tried to work it into the nooks and crannies as best I could then I just let it dry over night.

The next morning the mirrors found their home in the guest room. Here's what I started with down there, and what I ended up with.

Here are some close-ups of the mirrors.  

Here's where the botanical prints moved to. I think it helps balance out that wall.  

I am loving the small change this made. The wall that the mirrors had been on is now being prepped from some painting repair, but it will remain blank for a little while, until I get the materials for what's replacing the artwork over the fireplace. BTW, do any of you know how to antique a mirror?

Have a great day guys!


  1. Great effect! I've never used wax before.

  2. They look great! I like how you hung them, too.

    I've read that oven cleaner will take some of the silvering off the back of mirrors. Is that what you mean by antiquing?

  3. Great job. i love it! If you ever want too be featured or want some yummy recipes come check out our blog

  4. Very pretty; Nice grouping!


  5. I'm so glad you posted this. I just used Rub n Buff for the first time (my current post) and I really liked it. There wasn't any silver available... I really appreciate seeing your mirrors, they look great.

  6. I love rub 'n buff! I just re-did my entire bathroom mirror with it. It looks great!

  7. Beautiful finish!! I've actually never used the stuff, but just like this project, I've seen it work wonders. I'll have to try it sometime. Thanks so much for linking to Style Feature Saturday!! -shaunna :)
