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25 Things Post

Here are 25 random things about me!

  1. Sunshine makes me happy
  2. I have vowed not to buy anymore fabric until I can see the floor in front of my shelves in my sewing room. 
  3. I have had to juggle my schedule between family, housework, crafts and the gym. Its kind of challenging. 
  4. I have lost 30 pounds and have reached a plateau that is frustrating me. 
  5. I have altered my gym routine to help break out of my plateau.
  6. I have 70 more pounds to lose. 
  7. I would like to get my average mile down to below 13 minutes.
  8. I have one run logged with an average time below 13 minutes. 
  9. I need 4 more runs below 13 minutes to reach my self-imposed goal before Feb. 25
  10. My run yesterday was 3.2 miles and I had a 13:38 average mile. Very frustrating. So close but yet so far. 
  11. I have a 4 mile run tomorrow that I'm worried about.
  12. I'm worried about it because I'm so sore from changing up my routine.
  13. I'm lifting more weights and I'm feeling the effects of my efforts. 
  14. I did not do the weights today that I had planned on doing. 
  15. I was running very late and did not have time
  16. I did make it to my Zumba class in time though. Yay!
  17. I should not drink soda
  18. I really love soda
  19. I have picked up my coffee drinking because I am trying to lay off the soda. There's less sugar, right? 
  20. I should drink more water
  21. I drink 3 glasses of water at the gym and that's all the water I get in a day.
  22. I still love milk, even though I know its a protein
  23. I need a clone so I can work out and get housework done and then get my crafting done.
  24. I'm working on a new shirt for Maymont Flower show this Friday and I can't wait until its done.
  25. I cannot find any leggings that fit me to go with my new shirt. I need help. Suggestions for finding a 2X pair of leggings? 
Ok there's my list. I'm linking up over at Perfectly Imperfect's 25 things linky party. 

See you guys around!


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