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As promised...

I'm sick, again.

Fun times. I hate this season. I went from stomach nastiness to oh-so-stuffy cold.

I did lose two pounds though. :)

Probably not the way to do it, but - MEH!

I'm finally off that 30 pound mark. I'm at 32 pounds now. :)

Anyways, I did say I'd share photos  and I am.

I have two pictures from Maymont Flower Show. One is from last year at my heaviest (296) and then from this year.

So those are last year's pictures.

 And here is what I'm looking like currently. Dark, saggy eyes included! These pictures were also taken at the very start of  the plague from this week. :) Apparently its hard for me to smile while taking my own picture.

I think I'm going to add some more pictures of my progress to the side bar.

Next week, I'm back to the gym. Even if I'm still hacking up my lungs. I only need 14 more pounds to get down to 250!

Linking up to:
Momma Go Round


  1. Whoo Hoo -- lookin good girl! BTW, like that Green Paint color too!

  2. You look great! Found you through Momma Go Round:)

    Jessi from Hopes and Dreams

  3. Stopping in from Momma Go Round. CONGRATS! You are looking great. Just hang in there (said from a former WW gal). You can do it!!

  4. You are looking great!! Way to go. Love the outfit too.
