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Not So Small Victories

So a lot has been going on lately and none of it was stress-free. It started  to affect me. I got sick, then I started suffering insomnia, then I got bitchy, then I didn't want to get dressed or do any of the things I knew I had to do.

You know, like go get my kid from the bus stop. Chat with anyone. I kind of felt alone, even though I wasn't. Maybe I wanted to be alone, either way, I wasn't alone, but I was irritable pissed off.

After a heart to heart with the hubs about what was going on, and then some encouraging talks with some of my friends. I reluctantly went back to the gym on Wednesday. I haven't been to the gym since Feb. 7th. Scary. So I went to zumba.

I still didn't feel real hot. I'm still congested from being sick last week, but I couldn't use that as an excuse. The hubs made me go to the gym. I don't know what he had planned if I decided  I wasn't going to go, but I feel like it would have been interesting.

So I go to the gym, and I get in some weights before class. I go to my usual spot, next to one of my friends and we proceed  to warm up.

Then  for some reason, I started adding extra moves. Not intentionally, but I was kind of just letting the music affect me. Not that I had a choice. I also felt like I was going to die. My throat and chest were on fire, and I was aware of how dehydrated I was. All those  missed gym sessions were rearing their ugly heads.

But I persevered, and adjusted my moves accordingly and things went alright. Actually, they went better than alright. I had a blast. I laughed a lot during the dance line. I cheered on all the girls that were in class, and laughed some more. It was terrific. It was the kick in the ass I needed to get a grin back on my face and get my butt back into my routine.

So I went back to the gym today (I really couldn't wait to go) and I worked my muscles. They are all telling me about it right now, but that just goes back to those missed gym days.

Then I ran. Well power-walked/jogged/ran. For 56 minutes. For 4 miles. 4 miles!

I didn't do it in my fastest time, but its the furthest I've ever run and I'm freaking proud of myself. I. Did. It.

Saturday, I'm supposed to run 5 miles. It may happen. It may not, but whatever happens all that matters is that I tried.  Or had a really good excuse. :)

Oh and I'm drinking more water. I kind of have too. Cramps suck. I did give something up for lent though. No more cookies and milk for my night-time snack. I bought some rice cakes. They're actually good. And addicting.

1 comment:

  1. Great job getting back into the gym!! When I get in bad moods, I know it's time to workout :)
