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The Countdown Begins!

That's right...I'm counting down until we go on vacation! So excited! Its our first real vacation since Dev was born! Oh we've gone on trips and such, but never for longer than a weekend or so.
Steve took this picture while atop one of the peaks in the Smokey Mtns. 
We'll be going to Nashville to visit Dana. The hubs and I have not been to Nashville since her wedding, and with all of the wedding festivities we did not get to see much of it. We've vacationed in TN before. Its actually where we started dating, and where we honeymooned after Hurricane Isabel flattened our hotel in NC. He had so much fun planning our honeymoon again 4 days before the wedding. :)
One of my most favorite pictures of Dev! He was 6 months old here. 
Here we all are! Poor Steve was tired of holding our chunk, but they wouldn't let me hold him until after the ceremony....something about drool.  :)
 So now that I've digressed a bit, I think I need some help with posting while we're gone. So I'm putting the shout-out to all of you. Do you want to guest post here while I'm on vacay?

The adventure will start on Labor Day {Sept. 6} and continue until Thursday, Sept. 9. You all know I usually only do one post a day, but I'm not going to limit this to just one post a day. If I went up with 6 people wanting to post, then a couple of days will have two posts.

The posts can be about anything craft or cooking related, but please have them include instructions or a tutorial on what you did.

So there's the skinny, if y'all would just leave a comment. I think I'll make the cut-off for this Aug 28th. All interested parties must contact me by then.

In Other News

You all may have noticed some additions to the sidebars... I'll wait while y'all take a look....

Ok, did you notice? Yep, that's right. I started a facebook page. I was feeling left out and really....Facebook does not have enough pages for us to like. ;-) So head on over and say hello.

I also joined the networked blogs, also through facebook. So we'll see how these experiments go...but I have high hopes!

I'm so excited for all of it! Have a great day and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I would be interested in guest posting for you! I know that I am not quite of the same caliber that you are in the blogging world but I would love to give it a try if you are interested.
