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My Favorites and a Winner

Thank you to everyone who linked up! This was so fun and quite the learning experience. I've never used inlinkz before, so that was fun. There are lots of information on the back end of those. And after figuring out how to utilize it all, I discovered that we had a three way tie! Oh my!

Let first show y'all a few highlights. :)

This adorable sock horse was submitted by My Busy Craft Life.

These adorable bags from the Thrifty Ba for new teacher gifts, but they'd be super useful at Christmas too! 

Love this birthday card from [Frame Fanatic]! Just think of all the possibilities with repetition with all of the holidays coming up! 

So here the entries in the three-way tie:
Shell necklace from Singing Three Little Birds. Love the simplicity of this! 

What an adorable original design from Anne's Antics! Love me some eyelet!

These adorable twin outfits are also from Anne's Antics. Love all the ruffles and ties! 

So you guys are probably wondering how I decided the tie between these three....Well, I didn't. Random.Org did, and it picked no. 3 which was the I'm Back Dress (no. 2 up there in the tie). 

Congratulations Anne!

I will be contacting you later!

Thank you again for all of the entries, and I hope that you guys enjoyed as well. Have a great day and enjoy!


  1. thanks for featuring me!

  2. Yay! Thank you so much! I'm sooo excited! Thanks for hosting a great party and fabulous giveaway! I hope you have another party soon! Have a great day!
