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When the Cat's away....

the mice will paint?!?!

So I showed you guys what I was up to on Thursday, but that was just the tip of the iceberg! After getting the ceiling painted and thinking that putting up the moulding would be a two-person job (and it was...kind of), and deciding that the dining room needed to be a new color...I remembered that Saturday we were having the monthly our house....CRAP!?!?!?
The dining room as of Thursday. 

Well, after whipping out my magic super-woman wand....and help from Dev and Steve it all got done. H 'helped' too, but his involvement included me cleaning up some paint off the  carpet. Not the kind  of help I was looking for, but he tried!

So here's what the room looks like now!

I  put up screened moulding. Its barely 1" wide, but I painted it the same trim color as the rest of the house so it blends. I do still have some touch ups to do on the ceiling, but putting that stuff up mostly by myself, was a PITA! I sympathize with Michaelangelo! The best part about that moulding is its $3.68 for an 8' section.I ended up needing only 56 feet, but I bought 64. I secured it up there with liquid nails, and while the liquid nails was drying I secured it up there with blue painter's tape. 

So here's the new color! Loving it! The room only needed one coat of rolled on paint, but the cutting in required two coats. I bought 2 cans of paint, but only used 1. Valspar's Signature series is really nice, and it goes and goes and goes. The original color was Behr and was done in their equivalent primer+paint and it still needed two coats of paint. I love me some Valspar. Now....I just need something else to paint this sage green. :) I also need some artwork to anchor either side of that buffet.....Oh and I lowered the shelves above the buffet. It works much better now. 

I love my ceiling medallion! It cost about $30 but totally worth it! It came in two pieces and was super simple to put up there. The hubs did it, because he lowered the light for me so we could put it up there. I decided not to paint the medallion. 

Another shot of the buffet, with lowered shelves, and the new wall color. This is the lightest color I have painted anything downstairs. I was worried that it wouldn't flow with the rest of the house, because I have such warm jewel tones in most of the rest of house, but it works. The sage color is actually in all of the fabrics, and with the reds being on the ceiling it does help tie it all in together. Love!

That poor red cabinet that I still need to finish. It would help if I could figure out if I want to to reinstall the doors or just do a fabric curtain in there. Decisions, decisions!

And September's center piece. Most of the items there came from the dollar store. I'll be doing a how-I-did-it on it in a bit! 

So that's how I spent the latter half of the week that the hubs was in New Orleans. He wasn't sure about the ceiling when he came home but after the wall color changed and the moulding went up he's liking it. So I'm very happy with how it came out, and I'm even more tickled that I got to work with it with Dev. Dev is now personally showing it off to everyone who visits the house. :)

Have a great day and enjoy!


  1. Quite colorful!
    Yes, for some jobs you need more than 2 hands I'm afraid.
    Hey... don't miss and set that moss on fire when you light those candles, okay?!

  2. I really like your red ceiling. I have never seen that done!

  3. I love how the ceiling is a focal point. Really awesome! It makes me wish we werent renting:(

  4. Love the ceiling! What a great/cheap transformation!

  5. I'm so glad you shared these images. I just this week posted about wanting to paint the ceiling in my living room. Every ceiling I have is white and I was asking readers what color I should go with. This is a stretch for me. I love love love color so I really enjoyed seeing this.

  6. That is so stinkin' cool! I love the color and the molding.

    Thanks for linking up at Craftastical!
