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Its those little things.......

I have a lot of crafts going on at once. I mean, really, what crafter doesn't?

My crafts are not done. :-(   I've been bad. I've been having a blast not doing any crafts since Dae flew up. I have proof of our fun. Look at that funky pose she threw in while I was taking pictures of our unfinished work. :) 
She looks totally fab while voguing don't you think? :-)  And yes, those would be a pair of floor candlesticks....drying....with beets and beans for weights, but they are not painted yet. I have the color they will be painted though. I'm thinking aluminum. :) 

So here's what else is sitting unfinished....
 This adorable mason jar soap pump needs to be glued and painted. I'm really liking ORB for this little number.....too bad I had to put it too use as soon as the hole was in the top of it. I saw this tutorial somewhere....I think it was Helping Little Hands....but I could be wrong. Does anyone know where I saw it?

Yep....there's the cabinet. Still unfinished. Sigh. I should really figure out the door issue, because Harrison loves to get into this cabinet and bang around my baby jar candles.......the inside of this cabinet is now incredibly scratched up. Oh and the fabric is supposed to be for my dining room chairs. Two unfinished  projects in one picture.....Not exactly the birds I was going for, but meh. :) 

I hope you guys are being more productive than I, but if not then we shall revel in our un-craftiness together. Come over to our side. We have cookies. :) 

Have a wonderful un-crafty day, because I know today is going to be just as productive as today. :)


  1. It's hard to keep up with all of the great ideas out there, isn't it?!! It looks like you are well on your way to completion on the projects though : ) happy un-crafty thursday!

  2. Love it! Your honesty is refreshing! I can't even begin to figure out how many items are unfinished or even "unstarted!" Thanks for sharing your projects!

  3. I feel your pain!! I was out of town over the 4th for five days, and didn't get a darn thing accomplished, and this week, still almost nothing! Good luck on finishing things up!

  4. I have a love affair with all things crafty too.. :) GREAT SITE!! I can't wait to explore more!! I am your newest FRIDAY follower!

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