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Braided Jute Shower Rings

Have you ever tried finding the perfect item for a makeover and not been able to find it? It happens to me all the time, but more often than not being able to find it is not wanting to pay the outlandish price that  they want me to pay. Not gonna happen. I am married to the {cheapest} funniest man alive. His spendthrift-iness has rubbed off on me. So when I couldn't find the perfect shower rings I decided that I could make some. Of course, after I decided this and then went and bought some $1 store shower rings I found tons of shower rings that were perfect.

So this is a super simple project and being as the only thing I had to buy was $ may also go down as one of the cheapest. :) On to the show!

What you'll use

  • Shower Curtain Rings
  • Jute
  • Hot Glue & Gun
  • Spray Paint
  • Scissors

What you'll do

Paint your shower rings. I used brown plastic spray paint (left over from my trash can makeover) and then let it dry a goodly while, and when that didn't make them cure all the way because the humidity this weekend was about elevinty billion I brought them inside, and after 30 minutes they were good to go.

Measure off your jute. I cut three outstretched-arm-to-nose lengths of jute, and on me that would equal 3 yards. 1 yard for each cut. This also equals 4 rings worth of braid.

I tried two different ways of braiding the jute and then attaching it to the rings. The first way was to glue 3 ends of jute down to the shower ring and then braid from there. After I got the thing braided enough to go around it, I ran a bead of glue down the center and pressed the braid down into it. Then I just cut the ends off even with the other end of the ring, making sure to add more glue at the very end so the ends wouldn't fray. This worked fine, but the beginning looked a bit haphazard.

So then the second way was to braid the jute before gluing it down. This worked much better. After braiding a length of it, I just glued it down as previously discussed. Repeat another 11 times. :)

Easy peasy nice and easy. :)

Attach your shower curtain and hang it up with your new lovelies. They look {FAB}ulous in H's bathroom. Don't you think?

Just imagine the possibilities with this though. Instead of braiding you could just wrap them in jute. You could string beads on ribbon, you could braid ribbon, you could....oh you get the idea :)

I hope you gals have enjoyed this and have a marvelous day!

1 comment:

  1. You could also use the Crochet Cast On around the shower ring so that you don't have to use the glue and can undo when you'd like to reuse the rings! In case you don't know the crochet cast on - here's a video I found on YouTube. Just be sure to knot the end of the chain so it doesn't unzip.
