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Taking a day...

Well really I'm going to take 2 days. Saturday and Sunday. I've decided that I'm not going to push myself to have a post every day of the week any longer. I need some family time. So Saturday and Sunday will no longer have posts. I feel this is something I need to do for myself and my family. Some days its just really hard to work in a craft in and amongst various family activities. It will also allow me some time to get those uncooperative projects to come over to the dark side, er, I mean my side. :)

Here is how I spent this wonderful Sunday morning:

Yep, we had breakfast together, as a family, at IHOP. :) It was good.

Have a wonderful Sunday!


  1. Hope you have a peaceful happy day with your family

  2. IHOP is one of our favorites,too! Enjoy your family...blogland will still be here!

  3. glad you took time for some delicious fun with your family : )

  4. I'm a new follower, and I admire your choice--it is so easy to let blogging take over your life. You've inspired me!
