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Two Baths, Two Themes, A lot of work

I'm late with this post, because the boys went to bed early and I woke up with some sinus-something-or-other brewing, so its taken me a while to get the gears going, but I'm finally here, with pictures in hand! So without any ado, on to the show!

So I don't know what paint colors I used because they're from the Ooops pile at Lowe's. Can't beat 2 gallons of paint for $5!

Picture Heavy Post Ahead

The before:

Harrison's bathroom 


Dev's bathroom

 Here's the view of Harrison's bathroom from the common area. Its very long and somewhat narrow. 

 Sink area. I had wanted to replace that mirror, but I couldn't find anything that I wanted enough to pay for, so I stuck with what I had. I altered the shelf as well so that it would hold some hand towels. 

The curtains had been framing out the tub, but I wanted to keep them, because I love their colors. The seashells were given to me by my grandmother. The platter was $5 from Pier One. :) score! 

A close up of the curtain rings I made. I am loving them! 

The towel bar was replaced for an unfinished number from Lowe's. After painting it, I wrapped it in some sisal rope to give it a little more presence.  

 Here's Dev's bathroom from the doorway. I was able to reuse some of his towels. Don't mind the face paint stain on one of them :) 

 His sink and a close-up of the picture that I made him. The picture is from last Halloween. Dev was Woody and Harrison was a mouse. :) 

I hope you gals have enjoyed this little tour. The boys are very happy with their updates. Dev keeps insisting on showing everyone his! Makes a girl feel good when the kids are proud of them. :) 

Have a great day and enjoy it!

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  1. i love them both, but if i had to choose- it would be the beachy one for me! i love a good bathroom make over, since they are small rooms and usually little to no furniture, you can really do a cosmetic makeover very inexpensively! i found you at transformation thursday. i hope you can come visit me a cottage romance and see what i did in my 2 bathroom makeovers! just enter "bathroom" in the search bar of my blog to find them! thanks! ~Decorating Diva @

  2. Love the beach bath! I'm a coastal girl at heart, though. I really think you made smart choices like adding the touches of sisal that didn't break your budget but added such punch! Great job and thanks for linking up! Grab one of the buttons so others can party if they want to. :) shaunna

  3. Buttoned Up! I didn't see the button before...I must've just skimmed down to the projects :) Thanks for visiting!

  4. I love the colors you chose!
