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I'm slightly excited......can you tell? I have teamed up with Laura from Along for the Ride and she is hosting a giveaway for a credit to the new maybe you should go over there! :)

The shop is stocked and ready for shoppers! Let's help drive the American economy, because when you buy...I then have to buy more in order to make more. It's a vicious cycle. Honest. ;-)

Ok, I'm done sounding like a used car salesman. :)

I would love it if you all would take a look around and give me feedback on what you think. I have more pillows in the works, but there's a shirt dress with  my name on it that's begging to be made :) Harrison also has a hawaiian romper that's also pleading with me to be I'm going to work on that stuff before I make any more pillows. :)

However, I have not forgotten that I promised you guys a surprise yesterday and here it is! A custom little image for the American Girl in your life! Just in time for the 4th too!

Just click on the image, then right click and save as. They are PNGs so you can edit and alter them w/o mussing them too much. :)

I hope you guys have a wonderful day! Tomorrow is Friday Food Frenzy, and I'm excited about Dae's post because when it publishes she will be in the air en route to ME! Yay! Dae will be visiting for 9 days, so you all will see quite a bit of hers and my shenanigans for the next week. :) I also have tons of projects that still need to be done.....hrm, maybe I can recruit Dae to help me.....*snickers* :)

Have a terrific day!


  1. Congratulations! Your shop looks lovely...just perfect. Best of luck to you.

  2. Best of luck in your new endeavor! I think my current faves are faith,hope,love & clock face!!
    Enjoy your girl-time & happy 4th!

  3. Thank you so much for the wishes of luck. I'm hoping for big things!
