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Picture Me a Fail

So when Dev wants us to take his picture he says Picture Me! Well, I'd like to show you some pictures of a fail in Harrison's bathroom. You see, I was going to show you the boys bathrooms today, but I didn't want to do the good news and then end it with the one fail of the project so far, so I will be leading off with the fail and then tomorrow I'll show you the grand finale!  After that I'll also be showing at least one how-to of something I did. :)

Hang on......moving the computer from a small boy that is cruising and thinks my mouse and the mouse transmitterey-thing are his play things.

Ok now that I'm in an unnatural typing position, I can continue. :) Also if anyone knows of a way to get my teething infant to stop trying to use my lower leg as a teething ring, that would be super!  :)

And without further ado.....On with the show!

I have seen modge podge food coloring tints for glass all around blogland recently, and I was so going to do that treatment in Harrison's bathroom, and maybe I should have. If I had, maybe, you'd be seeing the boys bathrooms today. Instead, I fell {more} in love with the milk glass treatment. You know where you paint the inside of the glass and it retains its pretty shiny exterior. Yea, I did that, and screwed it up. Royally. So bad in fact that there was no saving the ship, we had to raze it at sea.
From a distance, they look good. 
Those runs are not at all what I was going for. I used glass enamel paint and I think it was too thick for the method of application. Sigh. Who knew that using gravity to paint something would be so difficult.
So that looks aw.FUL. Into the empties huggies box they go. 
So yesterday afternoon, Dev and I head to Lowe's to pick up some new glass shades for H's light. He picked them out. Aren't they gorgeous? He's got good taste. :)
Sorry about the dark was about 9:30 last night when this was taken. 
So here's to attempting something new, even though it didn't work. Have a wonderful day and enjoy it!

1 comment:

  1. Ok now that I'm in an unnatural typing position, I can continue. :) Also if anyone knows of a way to get my teething infant to stop trying to use my lower leg as a teething ring, that would be super! :)

    Try pepper on your pants :-)
