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Baptism Suit - Part One - Take Two!

I AM AHEAD OF SCHEDULE!!!! Ok, so I don't often get to say that, but I am so pleased that I got my dress done early, and to top it off I got the jacket cut out as well.

I'm very pleased with how the dress turned out, and unfortunately I did not get any snaps of me trying it on, but I did get some detail pictures of the dress and some of the stitching.  Sorry for the lens flare, but I couldn't get a better picture than this.
I'm excited about starting the jacket tomorrow because it is a kimono style and I don't often get to sew styles like that. Usually the kimono styles I've done have been baggy and made out of knits, which obviously this fabric is not a knit. It does have some stretch to it, but not a whole lot.
On a high note, I put in the zipper on this dress the old tried and true way....I basted where the zipper would go and then centered the zipper over the seam and then sewed it in. As you can see the zipper went in much nicer. As an afterthought, an invisible zipper might have looked better, but Hancock was plucked clean of zippers in any color close to this gray, so while I drove around the parking lot to keep Harrison asleep, Mom ran into Jo-Ann's to get me a gray zipper. Beggar's can't be choosers!

The gray is photographing oddly, the top picture is more realistic of the actual shade. It's a pinky gray which will look great with the mauve shoes I want to pair with it. I've also got a couple of brooches that have pink hues to them that I'm hoping will look nice on the jacket. So excited to put this on!

I'm hoping that I can finish up the jacket in 2 days or so. I'd like to get out shopping for a belt for this outfit by the end of the week. Hopefully, I can get this done!

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