I figured that this would be a simple project that Dev and I could do together. Obviously, a 4 year-old would not be able to do the cutting or the gluing with any degree of accuracy, but I thought the glitter part would be up his alley. Ha! Silly Mommy you cannot compete with Mario, Yoshi and the lure of all his other toys. Sigh....At least Steve kept me company and helped me with my craft. I did end up doing most of the craft myself but more on that later.
So after we cut out our ovals and then folded them in half. It was time to glue...no biggie. Steve glued the ovals together for me while I tended to the bread I was baking for my mom for dinner at her house (Sunday family dinner). After he got all the eggs together he started making lunch and I started to modge podge the outsides of the eggs. Then we ate while the eggs dried. Talk about multi-tasking!
So here's where our story gets interesting. I had already glittered 3 eggs when Steve joined me. I seperated out the rest of the eggs, decided what was going to get blue or green glitter and then we went on our merry way. Then catastrophe!
All over the floor, Steve and the table was green glitter. The tube had leapt from Steve's hand in an attempt to save itself from the horrible confines of glue and sacrificed itself to the mercy of our kitchen floor, the domain of dog fur and lost peas.
Steve to his credit was sitting there motionless unable to comprehend what had just happened and why. Then he let out a beleaguered sigh and began trying to rescue as much glitter as possible. I quietly took away his eggs and glue and finished glittering the eggs myself.
Then my dear sweet husband declared that he was not meant for crafts and the next time I wanted to do the crafts I could do them myself, but he would sit and keep me company.
So the eggs are drying now and later when Steve is at work I will finish my vision for them, but for now I will clean up my kitchen table and then send Steve to get a shower so that he can wash the glitter from him. :)
Linking up to:
Sorry about the glitter on your kitchen floor, but they turned out really cute! I love Graphics Fairy.