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Easter Tablescape

So I tried, really tried not to post again, but I am just so excited about sharing my Easter table decor! I cheat with my flower arrangement. I bought this thing called the Floral Design and the Floral Seven at the Maymont Flower Show several years ago and it is a life-saver! I cannot put together a floral arrangment to save my life, so after owning the floral arranger for a year, I then bought their book. I have tweaked some of  the designs to my liking, but for the most part I really like what they've done.

In my arrangement I've put yellow roses, magenta lillies, white lillies and pink spider mums. I bought all of these flowers at AC Moore several years ago, and I can't remember how much I spent. I added the vintage egg ornaments here. You remember the post, Should Have Been Simple? Well these are those eggs. :) 

Unfortunately, I did not take any more pictures after the glitter incident, but I just punched a 1/8" hole in each side near the top then threaded equal lengths of ribbon with a bead and a knot at the end. For the ones I knew I wanted to hang from the chandelier I also knotted the tops. I tied them to the chandelier with some jute.

For the ones I wanted to put in the arrangement I simply tied all three ribbons together into a bow. I also glued toothpicks to the bottom of  the two for the arrangement then wrapped floral tape around the toothpick and added a length of floral stem to it. Voila insta-egg for the flowers!

So here is the pretty tablescape!
Dev helped me pick which eggs would be hanging and which ones would be in the arrangement.

The Graphics Fairy has got some lovely Easter images.

I am permanently borrowing this silver platter from Mom. Love ya, Ma! It makes a nice finishing touch for the flowers, methinks.

Love this little chick!

So pretty, as a side note I found these glass hurricanes at The Very Thing for $15!

I am linking up to:
The Girl Creative

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the lovely weather!


  1. Your table looks beautiful, what a gorgeous flower arrangement!! I love how you added the little paper eggs to give it an Easter theme. They look so cute on your chandelier too! Thanks so much for linking this one up to "Brag Monday".

  2. Very nice Easter table. I especially like the chandelier...
    I am thinking I might have to copy!

  3. What a nice idea! I very much like the Easter decorations. Petra.xx

  4. Thank you so much for the comments everyone! I'm so glad that the table turned out well and that you guys like it. I'm loving the girly colors and since I don't get to do a lot of girly colors in the house I especially love spring!

  5. I love this, how pretty! I am following your blog now, come follow mine :)
    I used those chicks cute!!!
