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If at first you don't succeed.....

Sometimes things are meant to be, unfortunately the first suit was not meant to be. The jacket is not going to fit.....this month. It will fit after I dry up, but apparently that is not going to happen any time soon, maybe I should have brought out the cabbage sooner. :)

The skirt is another issue in and of itself. I mentioned a couple of posts ago that the zipper was not playing nicely, and I have given up trying to make it work. The belt...I'll finish just because it will complete the outfit, but in all reality this suit may just end up donated.

I went to Hancock yesterday with my favorite shopping partner, my mom. :) She, Harrison and I were at Hancock for over an hour and we came away with a lot of goodies. She got fabric to redo her curtains in her bedroom along with some pretty polyester that will be a dress of somesort, and then some seersucker that will find life as a romper for H. I got fabric for the center panel of a new duvet and shams, some poly/cotton for a friend's baby (she was born 2 hours before H, and delivered by the same doctor) and then some gray spring suiting. I can't wait for these projects to start. Just have to finish this baptism stuff!

All in all our trip was very productive because the most expensive fabric we bought was the decorator fabric at $5/yd. You have got to love sales! I got this pattern (among like 6 others) for the new baptism outfit. I like the dress and coat, and the gray that I got will look lovely with the pink shoes and pink accessories :)

So here is my challenge: Finish my baptism outfit by the time we leave on Saturday. We have to pick up my sister at BWI en route to my in-laws abode. Tight time schedule.

Here's how I hope to accomplish this......the dress is cut out as of this posting, I still need to cut out the jacket, but the dress is has 7 pieces. I'd like to have it sewn up and finished by Tuesday. The cut out and sew up the jacket and be done by Friday.


  1. so glad that I stumbled in! I am visiting by way of New Friend Friday at TGC. Please accept my invitation to drop in at my place one day this week! until later...

  2. Thanks for stopping by! Love both of your blogs. I think my blog list is growing faster than my boys!
